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Pace dry sump system


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800 for the bits from pace (sump, pump, belt, engine mount)

250 from think (hoses, laminova, oil pressure take off)

200 from brise (dry sump tank)


2 week lead on the pace stuff, think stuff is in stock, you'll have to ask Brise.


If you do get one please let me know - I'd like a few mods on my dry sump tank - it may be we can come to a deal where you have mind and a new one is made up with my mods. I'll happily let you have mine for cost LESS the amount it would cost to mod my tank. ie I pay the same as getting my tank modded but don't have to leave the tank with them for a week. you get a cheaper tank.


Happy to let you have a poke at mine anytime.



R706KGU Hoopylight R

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Top piece of kit. Been down this route and am very happy with the results.


The best bit is everything I needed came with the kits from Pace, Brise and Think Auto. I did not need to chase up any of the suppliers for wrong or missing parts. It all went together without any problems. Most unusual.


A 7 is for life, not just for Xmas

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Is it an engine out job to fit this or can it be done by an inexperienced owner with the engine in-situ?

I'd really like to fit a dry sump but the cost of the Caterham kit is prohibitive and I think it is probably an engine out job due to the tank being in the bellhousing (happy to be corrected on this).



Yellow SL *cool* #32

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Might be doable without removing the engine. but you need to do some fairly major stuff - eg

disaseemble the std oil pump and remove the innards

change the filter mount

change the crank pulley.


i can send you the installation instructions if you let me know your email address.




R706KGU Hoopylight R

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Mine was done with the engine in place. Nothing was too awkward, but a small amount of messing was required to sort out the water pipes and Laminova.


My laminova used to live in the lower pipe, but there is just not enough room. Laminova now lives in the top water pipe and is fine.


I now have a machined K cam cover, so th second breather tube is not required on the tank.


A 7 is for life, not just for Xmas

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ah right I understand.


The advangtage with my way (well, Its Peter C's way to be honest *wink*) is that the negative pressue in the cam cover stops most of the oil going near the catchtank.


You may end up having the catchtank as a sort of holiday home for some oil before it gets sucked into the cam cover.


Or am i missing something 🤔


Just curious etc...



R706KGU Hoopylight R

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