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bored, bored, bored...


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bored, bored, bored, hot, bored, bored, bored...


It was 30 degrees in here at 11am and the temperature is steadily climbing...it is too hot to do any work and Sumy is in the car park...I just want to pack up and go for a blat, but I have 5 reports to write ☹️


It's not fair...




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hmmm want to swap some reports for a stability check on a 17m high embankment, or the design of foundations for a 90m high tower crane in the middle of nodnol 🤔


and I don't even have the beast outside to go for a blat at lunchtime ☹️


and the heat is making my co-irkers irritable.


Caterham 21 VHPD *cool* - one of the few *thumbup*

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Yeah, you got a deal...my reports are on 6 different web site projects - all of which have various problems...like no one to actually do the work *eek* *mad*


At least I can go for a mini-blat home at lunch time, except then I have to use my car this afternoon ☹️


☹️ *mad*


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Try adding a delayed 4 days of boozin hangover & matching lack of sleep to the mix ☹️




And If anyone says they saw me naked in a feild in the midlands at the weekend *arrowright* 🙆🏻 *arrowleft*.......




I'm blaming the Stella

😳 😳 😳




My Caterham Silver Jubilee No. 7 is here with Mavis, under 'Mark's Cars'.

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have just been cheered up to discover that one of the people making my life difficult is currently getting soaked in a thunderstorm at Gatwick 😬


yeah, I know it'll get here soon but for the moment it is less grim in the north *smile*


Caterham 21 VHPD *cool* - one of the few *thumbup*

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☹️ Am still here...in the office that is...should have gone home at 1600 but have to wait for one of the Designers to come round and tell me how we can get the Design work done without anyone to do the work...can't go until she tells me *mad*


and I had to take Sumy home at lunch time and pick up my other car, so no fun on the way home either ☹️



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21 selim nodnoL - who's been watching Red Dwarf LOL?


Wish I could access the net from work, they took my access away 'cos I was looking at *cough* car forums *cough* ☹️


Abuse the e-mail system something rotten to compensate tho 😬 😬 😬


Seek forgiveness, not permission.

Is it easy to rob a bank and get away with it???

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