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An eye for a good photo, but no pixels

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So I'm standing on the bank out the front of the house, looking across the road towards the south downs. It's nice and pleasant compared to the sweltering heat that's evident indoors and the sky's turning a pinky colour in the distance. However, nice as the view it's perhaps a little *too* tranquil.


"Something interesting come along", I request rhetorically. And as I do I hear a pop and a bang somewhere in the direction of Bury Hill. Momentarily a green seven with yellow arches passes below me, lights on and looking very "dusk on the Mulsanne".


That'll do nicely. Content, I went and stood in the pond.



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I was looned/ blatted in the flag waving Windymobile - big grins as we drove home as the light was just going - there is nothing like an open top car at this time of year. It was a shame when I had to get into the tin top and drive home.


Brilliant evening and great to see everyone. Apart from the idiot (not a 7 I hasten to add) on the M11 who was trying very hard to attach his car to Windy's spare wheel carrier while we were following another car in the outside lane. When Windy sensibly pulled over to get out of the guy's way he then made move over gestures only to cut in from the outside lane late into the slip road that we were now on - overtaking or rather squeezing more cars out of the way on what is effectively one lane of traffic. *mad* *mad*


Hoopy - did you find your raffle prize - they're good for kids on bikes.

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