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Off to see the Electricity School


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Well the Electricty School didn't want me (I'm too thick) and after I got very wet coming home too *mad* so tomorrow I'm off to the Computer School, a little bit nearer to home at a mere 70 miles.


So whatever it says on the weather forecast it will do nothing but rain all day tomorrow - except in Dundee where there will be lightening & thunder in the build up to Ross's snip and on the Yorkshire coast where it will be sunny & dry in the run up to Ric's betrothal (sp). 😬


Perhaps I should go roof up ?




Supercheese R250

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Thanks for all the thoughts of support 😬


Coming back from the Lecky interview I got soaked by rain and yesterday (roof up) I got soaked in sweat. It was dreadful to see even MGF's and Z3s with their roofs down and there was I, roof up and sweating like a pig.


I justify having the roof up on the basis of a posting I made about a year ago where I asserted that there were only 3 valid reasons

1. Job interview

2. Test driving a new wig (chest wigs don't count even for ex-TVR drivers like Ross)

3. Transporting a box of feathers


I should be hearing by Wednesday or so about the job so please do all keep your fingers crossed until then (you may uncross them in times of need) *smile*




Supercheese R250

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So I've hit a raw nerve there then Ross ?


Let's hope the Doc doesn't do the same !!


What time are you under the knife/axe/chain-saw/stanley-knife/swiss-army-knife/two-bricks/gelding-irons ????????





Supercheese R250

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g*d i might be a northerner sometime soon(i really don't care where i live, as long as i'm paid). been shortlisted for jobs in newcastle and yorkshire.

mrs. b, being a soufener ain't impressed. but you have 'lectricity up there so i'm willing to relocate.


i asked in the interview with the folks from newcastle today if they had lots of GATSO's up there response was, don't think so 😬 *thumbup*. the interviewers took it in stride, and understandably asked why.


i told them i had a 7, they nodded their heads in appreciation *thumbup* *wink*


Steve B

Faster than the Speed of Dark Join us on the USA 2005 tour......HERE


Edited by - Steve-B on 31 Jul 2003 17:47:12

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  • 4 months later...

Well, I had a 1st interview at a Telecoms School and I managed to pull the wool firmly over their corporate eyes and they want me to come back for round 2 with the FD - gulp.


Any advice will be happily received, by the way he is a man, so sleeping with him is not on the cards (I don't want the job *that* badly)


Grrr, I still can't do smillies from the smillie tool bar



Whoo hoooooo


Supercheese R250

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Hhhmmmm, picture the scene


Boonie arrives home driving a Landy, he's taken the day off work and is very tired and not a little sore. Mrs Boonie asks how he came to be driving one of Solihull's finest .......


Well, it's like this, I can explain everything, no thanks I don't want to sit down, I'm a little tender (like the one that Gordon & Henry had)



By the way, the bigger of my 2 vehicles is in having a major service including a cam belt change, they've just phoned to say that the radiator needs to be recored, that the viscous coupling on the fan is knackered and that part of the wiper assembly is shot. What's more the car is still on the ground, they've not even got to the part where they hoist it up, take the wheels off and laugh at the underneath oily & rusty bits. Boonie, still want it ??


Supercheese R250

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That sounds a bit serious, I hope nothing untoward is ongoing in that direction



PS I shall be brining the big white beast up to Cambridge on Saturday, that is if the garage have finished empting my wallet by the end of Friday 😳


Supercheese R250

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that may be what you roustabouts do in order to get a job, the world ofmarketing is somewhat different.


The 2nd interview was much tougher than the 1st, Fingers crossed that I'll have something to celebrate on saturday 😬


Paul on the etchasketch


Supercheese R250

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