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Diff noise?


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Just finished building my 1.6 Roadsport, & am experiencing a whining noise from the rear of the car.

The noise is only really noticeable in 4th & 5th gear, and becomes much more apparent over 60MPH.

The noise is only present however when power is being applied, as soon as I lift off the accelerator the noise totaly vanishes.

I am assuming the noise is being generated by the diff, if this is correct, is this normal?

I thought it might get better with time but I have nearly done 1000 miles & if anything it has become more noticeable, or is it just that I is annoying me more?

Would be very grateful for any advice on this.

Cheers Andy

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Andy, this is common trait of all sevens. The fact that your virtually sat next to the diff magnifies the sound somewhat. You may also find that the gearbox whines an rattles when your stationary as well. This too is common and it caused by the layshaft gears ratlling on the layshaft. Depress the clutch and all should be fine. I think Caterham call it 'drivetrain shunt'

Afraid to say it, but 'thy all do that' 😬

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Colin, I owned a live axle 4 speed 7 4 years ago, & it was totally quiet, I assume that this noise is just peculiar to the De-Dion cars then?

I get the layshaft rattle as well but was aware that was a 'feature' of the 5 speed box.


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see my posting "howling noise" - I have just replaced my diff. The noise in the diff seemed only noticeable on over run and disppaeared when the power was applied. The noise I have now seems very similar to yours ie only does it under power and disappears as soon as I back off. Completely the opposite to the diff symptoms. If you establish the problem can you e mail me on chas@guirey.freeserve.co.uk



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I picked up my Roadsport from the factory in October and have covered just over 4K, I too have the same whine under acceleration, and if you blip the throttle whilst driving you’ll also get a knocking sound. I’ve been assured these sounds are all part and parcel of Caterham ownership.

*confused* *biggrin*


If you’re behind me and can read this, its because I’m letting you.... Pee Wee

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On my car the Sierra Diff is near silent. The backlash was correctly set to ford tollerance by me when I built in the Tran X LSD. I think if a diff is noisy then something is up and this is a real issue.

It is worth mentioning that the ford 5 speed that my car has is also much quieter than all the 6speeds that I have been in/driven and contributes to the overall lack of driveline noise.

R.e the diff I would consider adjusting the backlash in situ( tiny bit by tiny bit) until it was quiet on road test, but then having built one up have the confidence to try. I wouldn't recommend everyone try it but I would.



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Scoot - you are right mine is a 6 speed and some of the noise is from the gearbox - on overrun. Has got slightly worse since lube was changed form EP to ATF. Although, the gearchange is far slicker.





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Is there a general consensus of opinion that this is another 'thay all do that sir' ?

Would be very grateful if other owners could indicate wether they are experiencing similar symptoms to mine.

If they really do all do this fine, if not I clearly need to do something about it.


Ta very much, Andy

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Mine does the same, and the oil presure gauge is crap. I don't worry about it. I only noticed the noise once I put a windscreen on. With an Aero screen, you can't hear a bloody thing.........great. If you want silent, comfy motoring buy a Bummer I mean Beemer.

😬 😬 😬

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Yes, 'they all do that' is about right. My 1.8KSS has had a whining diff and clanking 6-speed gearbox since new (1999). 18,000 miles later the gearbox is noticeably quieter and you only notice the diff whine with the hood up - another reason for not using a hood.



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Yes it is a worry


It seems so unnatural to be bombarded by such noises. I ran old Land Rovers for years and the Se7en beats them hands down for generating noise *confused*


Still everyone seems to have the same noises so it must be right.


The time to worry is when you can hear no noise *eek*





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my 1.6 k ss 6-speed with LSD do the same. Howling 4 und 5 as loud as exhaust. Ratteling diff when engine warm at 0 mph.


Tried best 90W140 miller competition oil in gearbox - little less noise but realy problems with synchro (bulky gear change to 1,2,3 - 4,5,6 ok)


So what learned? Gears 123 are different to 456. lower nearly no noise but synchro ring trouble - upper noisy without syncho trouble.


Is there no upgrade or fix available?



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I had the usual gearbox whine in high gears, but with 8.5K on the clock it has almost completely gone. The diff clanks over really crap roads, but I have a idea that this may be the ARB on the diff casing.

I do get a noisy lay gear rattle.


Andy Mac C7 GON

😬 Team Langoustine. Hard Core Prawn here 😬

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