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It's easier on your synchromesh (if you get it right 😬) than banging it into lower gears at high speeds ands so encourages longer life and smoother shifting.


Many people consider it unnecessary in modern cars, but I once used to own a battered Fiat and therefore got into the habit as the synchros all went ker-twang.

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you have 3 things spinning around.

1) engine, flywheel, cover plate

2) clutch, gearbox input shaft

3) gearbox output, propshaft, wheels, the car itself


when you change gear you need to adjust the speed of 1 and 2. a blip takes care of 1. if the change in rpm is small then 2 doesn't matter as the syncros can do it for you. they are effectivly like a small clutch inside the gearbox to help the gears engage.


however, when going into first, even with a blip, you'll hear a sort of whirring sound (easier to hear on a tintop) as the syncros spin up 2. this takes a bit of time so to change quickly you either need to be a bit brutal to them (which will wear them out faster) or DD. race boxes don't have them so avoid the problem.


so - we need to help them by DD. First we change from 2nd to neutral and let out the clutch. 1 and 2 are now connected, but 3 isn't. blip the throttle and 1 and 2 are both up to speed.


now clutch in again and change to 1st. since 2 is now up to speed it'll snick into gear nicely.


in practice you need a blip when going from neutral to 1st as well (ie two blips in total). can't see why though....



R706KGU Hoopylight R

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in practice you need a blip when going from neutral to 1st as well (ie two blips in total). can't see why though....


To re-synchronise the engine speed with the roadspeed transmitted through the now nicely snicked-in drivetrain. The engine speed usually drops off enough to make it necessary.


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Looked good to me.


When I was about 13, John Lyon, the HPC guru did a whole series of articles about the techniques of fast, safe driving in "Motor" magazine. My Mum chucked them all away while I was at university. Your explanation tallies pretty well with what I dimly remember from that. Consider yourself a guru, therefore. 😬



Never get stuff like that in car mags these days - except LF, of course.

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