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carb problem?


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I have recently bought a vx 1600 which drives fine so long as its accelerating however if I try to drive at a constant speed at revs below 4000rpm then the car starts to act like their is an intermitent fuel starvation problem - it bunny hops- this happens hot or cold.


Do the carbs need balancing ? or is there another problem ?


Any advice welcome



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I posted up some similar symptoms a week or so ago - but on an Alfa 1750 rather than X-flow.


Advice suggested looking at the progression drillings, but in my case these wrer as they should be (as per Alfa spec) further investigation revealed someone had fitted idle jets from a 2 litre Alfa, and this seems the likely cause.


If you take a look at the Dave Andrews website where he expalins Weber jetting you will see that the idle jets are actually critical when running on a small throttle - too rich and you get that bunny hopping.


In my case the 2litre idle jets are richer than the 1750, and I'm hoping a change back will yield improvements.





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