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Supplier needed


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Need to find a supplier of two bits:


A proper tool for fitting the roof poppers not just the hammer and block type.


Rubber not hard plastic type of grommet to fill in several holes BUT do not want normal shape grommets. MUST be the type that will push into a threaded deep hole not just the thin panel type.


Any ideas please


Richard in France

Duratec engine built, bright yellow chassis finished, kevlar/carbon panels fitted, now just waiting for last few parts 😬 *thumbup* 😬 😬.

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i found the hammer type does work if you put it on a bit of wood and then something VERY solid. eg concrete floor, the roll bar etc. a rickety work bench isn't good enough. you also need a BIG hammer.


some have tried welding up something with a G-clamp so you could wind it in - but with minmal success i think.



R706KGU Hoopylight R

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Thanks Arnie, will give them a ring on Monday. Bit deare than I imagined! Though always useful.


Hoopy, I find the biggest problem with the hammer type is you have to take the whole hood off for each stud you put on. The idea of a G - Clamp sounds good. May give it a go over the weekend. Thanks


Any ideas on the rubber bits *confused* *confused* *confused* *confused* Nothing rude now 😬


Richard in France

Duratec engine built, bright yellow chassis finished, kevlar/carbon panels fitted, now just waiting for last few parts 😬 *thumbup* 😬 😬.

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Hello Richard!

Do you have pictures about your project? I'm unpatient to see that!

Regarding rubber insert (If I well understand, you need a kind of rubber plug to fill a hole, but I don't understand exactly the shape you need), I know that BERNER in France sell that in several diameter (for exemple to fill wipers holes). I will go this morning in a garage who use Berner products. I will ask.

Answer tonight.




'95 injected VX, modifications in progress...

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Hi Stephane,

Normal types of grommets are made for say 2mm thick panels. I want them to plug a hole where it is just like you have drilled a hole in a solid object. So only the rubber friction holds it in place.


Awaiting fitting of the engine once I get the bell housing that has been delayed due to special machining to fit the LHD chassis. Hoping to have her onthe road within 6 weeks 😬


Speak to you soon


Richard in France

Duratec engine built, bright yellow chassis finished, kevlar/carbon panels fitted, now just waiting for last few parts 😬 *thumbup* 😬 😬.

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Plug the holes with silicon sealant. It will dry to a solid watertight plug and can be unscrewed if necessary later by pushing in a small screwdriver and wiggling it about. You may even be able to get a colour match with the car !


Once you've marked carefully where the poppers need to go use a sharp drill bit the right size and rotate it with your fingers, (Remember to hold the blunt end - cough!) it' will soon make a neat enough hole even through double ply vinyl.


As for fixing the popper I use a hammer and a centre punch on a block of wood, although a G Clamp type brake pipe flaring kit might be another way of doing it.


If you fit poppers in strategic locations you can fix the hood on the car with two or three, and then mark up the others and do them all in one go.








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If you do end up going down the hammer and block method remember to put a piece of material or something between the popper head and the block if you are using the newer black poppers...


Otherwise you have a nice pattern left on the popper head *mad* *thumbdown* *thumbdown* 🙆🏻


It may be worth going to an upholsterers to see if they will lend you a tool.

Shoe repairers/leather workers ( 😳 *tongue*) may have one too.




Keep off the straight and narrow *tongue* 😬

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Noel, I will have a look, thank you.


Rowland, can't use the silicon on several holes as need the plug to be removable on a frequent bases. Thanks for the other points as well.


Nifty, Good point thank you, as I have the black poppers. Been trying to find someone with a tool but more difficult in France.


Richard in France

Duratec engine built, bright yellow chassis finished, kevlar/carbon panels fitted, now just waiting for last few parts 😬 *thumbup* 😬 😬.

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