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Lifting the K series Engine/gearbox


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This may sound like a daft question.... but I'll try it anyway.


I have a nice new K series engine/dry sump/6speed gearbox combination to lift into the engine bay in a week or so. I note with some alarm the lack of any support brackets on the engine to use to lift the engine with. The prospect of slings and tipping the whole lot 30+ degrees does not appeal greatly. I rang the factory and they didn't seem too sure either - they apparently use a special cradle... So where precisely on the engine have you guys attached the engine hoist and with what???!!!!


Many thanks,



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I just use a piece of rope around the hole engine to lift it (run it just behind the engine mount on the left hand side and up between pipes #1 & #2 or maybe #2 & #3 of the inlet manifold on the right hand side - this will stop the engine 'slipping through' the rope when it's tilted). I then run another piece of rope around the gearbox and up to the hoist - this piece can be adjusted to alter the angle of dangle.



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My local Rover garage lent me a couple of flimsy looking brackets which bolted to the front and back of the enginge.

This along with the thingy (technical term) with the screw on that allows you to alter the angle of the engine/gearbox makes it a lot easier.

Also means you dont need any rope tying skills.

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There are a couple of unused bolts at the front of the engine. I seem to recall using these somehow and a sling under the supmp / round the engine mounts and one round the box - as Mike says for dangle angle adjustment..



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I've always used a couple of old seatbelts, one slung under the bell housing and the other carefully placed around the front and under the sump, they've yet to slip or let go, [rapidly touches head!] even when hefting out my old Vauxhall lump.


It also helps enormously if you get the back end of the car a couple of feet up in the air, with front wheels on the ground. Use the engine lift, and wrap your old seat belt around the rollover bar and lift, for a quick easy way. This way, you don't need to hang the engine/box down at such an acute angle to clear the transmission tunnel/bulkhead.

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