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Calling FH and all dog owners

Boonie Hound

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I need your help and suggestions.


It's claw clipping time for the Boonie Hound. Tried last night got three done but she wasn't too pleased with my attempt on the fourth claw. Didn't cut too much cos no blood - thank goodness but she yelped. Which meant for the rest of the nigvht her licking mine and Mrs B face raising her paw to say 'I'm a good dog really, don't hurt me' and generally not staying still enough to use the clippers.


I now need to do the other three paws. I could take her to the vet but she hates that too. Any suggestions on the best clippers to use or ways of distracting her while we clip her.


Tried unscrewing her legs but that didn't work either.


All suggestions gratefully received - sorry this is serious and now back to the wibble

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Can't help you there Boonie ☹️ Our two get 'done' by #1 dottir when she's around, ' cos she's into doing stuff like that and I'm all squeamish *eek*


Last efforts at cutting Pelham's claws went something like:


Lift up paw. Dog looks up into human's face. Dottir clips. Dog withdraws paw and makes for the exit like the Road Runner.


Attempt 2. Two humans hold dog, stroking and making stupid soothing noises. Dottir takes paw. Dog sees clippers and scarpers.


Attempt 3. Have handful of nice doggie treats at the ready. One human holds dog's head, offering treat. Other human controls other portions of dog. Dottir gets ready with the clippers. Dog eats treats, does a Hoo-di-knee and scarpers.


End of session.


Next day, dottir takes one paw, finds an un-clipped claw, clips and dog does afore-mentioned "runner". So, it's One-A-Day until all claws are clipped...... a bit like painting the Forth Bridge really. Add in the fact that she's bu99ered off to Indonesia for ten weeks, collecting anoa poo for her field research *confused* which leaves Pelham a bit lop-sided in the clipped claw department 😳


Now Baz is completely different. Clip away merrily and he's as good as gold. However, bathtime is a different matter *eek*

The only way is to strip off *eek* (don't look) 😳 and get in the bath with him 😬


Seriously though, she suggested that I might need to take Pelham to the vet and have him 'sedated' while they do the job, which I'm not keen on, because (a) I don't agree with unnecessary use of drugs and (b) it's bl00dy expensive 😳

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I have an Irish Setter and our performance is very similar to FH.


I did try the 'I'm in charge, don't you dare run away whilst I'm doing this' look on her but she just gets that offended/hurt look and I end up feeling VERY guilty ☹️


I've decided that soothing talk, small cuts (perhaps two or three to remove enough claw) and plenty of treats on hand is the only way to do it. Still takes a while to do all four paws. Patience is the only method I have - with a biggish dog anyway.


My mother-in-law has a Yorkshire terrier and was advised by her vet to pop the dog down a coat sleeve so that it couldn't escape or see what was happening whilst she cut its claws 😳 😳 😳




Justin *cool*


Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

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was advised by her vet to pop the dog down a coat sleeve so that it couldn't escape or see what was happening whilst she cut its claws


Anyone seen the Jolly Green Giant 🤔 I can't fit a golden retriver down my coat sleeve 😳 *eek* *confused*


FH *cool*

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You dont know how lucky you lot are.


Just try clipping one our ferrets paws *eek* *eek* *eek* *eek* *eek*, normally ends up with a ferret attached to my hand 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 🙆🏻 OUCH. When they bite, thay dont let go *thumbdown*.





Su77on Se7ens

See our web site here.

Bugger...... I aint done it yet

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I have the same problem with my Doberman - she hates having her feet touched. She even failed as a show dog because she growled at the judge when he ran his hands down her leg. 😳

(very funny to watch 😬)


I started to make a game out of rubbing her claws with a piece of course sandpaper, this worked (pretty well) until she sussed out what was happening and refused to play.


Eventualy we took the Desert Storm approach!

Four people totally imobilse the dog and a fifth person runs in, clips the claws as fast as he/she can and then runs out 😳


Funny thing is I think she (the dog) now enjoys getting all the attention. *confused*






Less is more!

Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines!

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Scrumpy is the same. Doesn't like it, but just about tolerates the whole thing. More difficult is cutting the hair that grows between his paws ... you would think we are torturing him the amount of fuss !


You can get special clipper things, that make it impossible to cut too much off, and hence are a bit quicker in operation....


But perhaps the only answer is to make sure the dog gets tols of walk on tarmac ... natures nail clippers *smile*


Harry Potters sleves are probably big enough for a Golden Retreiver though *tongue*

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Our dog has never bitten me but she makes all the right noises *eek*


And like Noger said, trimming the hair from inside her paws is even worse. More growling - and she did actually nip my wife when she tried it. Hence I get the job now!


FH and Boonie; I would probably pay good money to watch someone TRY and stick a Golden Retriever or German Shephard down a coat sleeve.




Justin *cool*


Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

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1) Remove all carpet in house

2) Replace with sand-paper

3) Throw dog toy and get hound to run around

4) Wait till claws an appropriate length

5) Reverse steps 2) and 1) before you end up with a Dashund.


Should work *wink* ( non dog owner )



Red and Black 1.8K

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If you dog is a big *boy* and you wear his legz down to stub ends won't his eyes also water ???


My late dog once jumped into a large pile of snow and yelped when he found that his bits were getting rather too cold for comfort 😳


No one has mentioned a carefully wielded angle gringer or a dremel *eek*




If ya' can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all. Thumper

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