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Vx Engine kits: SBD vs QED


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Sadly nowadays one thing wrong with carbs is that people who can set them up, even at rolling roads, are few and far between. They're all experts on fuel injection but either never learnt or have forgotten how to set up a pair of webers.


Dave - think you got a bit lost on your sequential / wasted spark argument, you say only run sequential cos wasted spark was crap. Sequential is of course fuel, as distinct from batched or grouped injection and wasted spark refers to ignition, as distinct from the covnetional dizzy switched type. No reason why you can't run sequential with normal ignition or wasted spark any more than why you can't run grouped injection with wasted spark or normal. I run grouped injection and wasted spark and it's good for me.

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I must admit that I have considered fitting fuel injection to my 7 but I cant honestly envisage much benefit considering the £2000 plus required to do it.

My 7 is mostly used on the road with an occasional adventure on a track.




Totally agree with you on the setting up of carbs. The amount of people who can do this properly are becoming less and less.




Su77on Se7ens


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I couldn't agree more re the comments about those who know what they're doing with carbs having been fortunate enough to have had the services of the great Roland Hayes for many years. One thing I would accept though, is that efi is more beneficial to 16v than 8v engines.


Graham - My current set up is also wasted spark albeit with sequential injection - it was the batched versus sequential point I was trying to stress where midrange torque is improved with the latter. Obviously at high rpm where the injectors are opening/closing very rapidly the benefits are substantially reduced. That said if I could utilise 4 separate coils re ignition and sequential injection re fuelling I would, as i'm sure this would further benefit performance. Having re-read what I posted I can appreciate the misinterpretation !


Marius - I was referring predominantly to a standard engine where the cost v benefit argument re efi doesn't stack up in my mind, unless of course you're planning to upgrade other areas of the engine at some future date ref Graham's earlier point re the sbd kit. That said I'll happily put money on James' 2.0lt carb vx Caterham out performing Arnie's 2.2 lt efi version on the drag strip in terms of elapsed time and terminal speed 😬


Home of BDR700


Edited by - edmandsd on 5 Jul 2003 22:09:28

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