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SLR Engine Tuning


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SLR Tuning


For use at the Nurburgring, and at higher altitudes generally, is an Emerald ECU the be-all and end-all solution? Are there any other benefits to the Emerald i.e. better running and an increase in BHP? Or is there an alternative mechanical solution that does not perhaps require so much fiddling around? I've been told that the Emerald ECUs whilst easy to fit, take ages to set up. Any advice and or suggestions would be appreciated.



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Best thing you can do to a stock SLR engine is the DVAPower VHPD driveability kit. If it doesn't come with the new baro sensor, request that separately. The ECU and new cam verniers will bring forth a marked increase in throttle response, sort of like adding another engine in. 😬


I'm a very satisfied customer.


Worcs L7 club joint AO.//Membership No. 4379//Azure Blue SLR No. 0077//Se7ens List Tours


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"Quick" is defined by power and whether you have a screen or not. With a screen you'll need more power to achieve maximum revs, hence maximum speed. A stock SLR puts out about 190bhp which is not enough to push a screened car to maximum revs in 6th. With the driveability kit mine achieved 200bhp, which is still far short of being able to hit max speed/max revs.


I now have one of DVAPower's extensive engine tunes. Others with a similar tune to mine achieved 230-240bhp. Mine hasn't been tested since correting all the issues I had (nothing to do with DVAPower - Dave did the work but I assembled the engine, and buggered up the cam timing). Since correcting the cam timing mine has leapt forward. I still think it is a little way off achieving max revs/speed but it'll now go faster than I can find a straight enough piece of track to test it on.


If you haven't got a screen, you may already run out of revs with 190bhp.


Acceleration in mine is breathtaking, but it has been ever since I went for the driveability kit.


The driveability kit definitely increased my acceleration. Subjective claim though.


Worcs L7 club joint AO.//Membership No. 4379//Azure Blue SLR No. 0077//Se7ens List Tours


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Thanks for the suggextions. I've just spoken to Dave Andrews, and he'll be taking a look at the car next week with a view to getting it sorted. In terms of what was mentioned regarding "extensive tuning" - out of curiosity - what did you have done? And when I get to Dave's workshop, are there any things I should remember to ask for?
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Dave's workshop is his house. 😬


I couldn't advise you with regards to other aspects. Dave knows a gadzillion times more things about my engine than I do... and I'm pretty well informed.


I've had the following done:


*arrowright*Full porting of the VHPD head... to "silly" spec. They don't come better.

*arrowright*1mm bigger valves all round.

*arrowright*1227 cams and double springs

*arrowright*cam verniers (which is what you'll get with the driveability kit)

*arrowright*Direct to head throttle bodies. The ones you've got are OK, but they place the throttle plate quite a distance from the head. Reduces transients and makes it harder to engineer a decent idle.

*arrowright*[outrageous unsubstantiated claim]A sprinkle of magic dust to make mine fastest in the world, especially faster than Alex Wong's Vx[/outrageous unsubstantiated claim] *tongue*


You might want to ask Dave if he can supply the baro sensor if you think you'll have altitude problems. I got mine directly from Emerald but Dave's an "agent" so he might be able to get it for you.


Worcs L7 club joint AO.//Membership No. 4379//Azure Blue SLR No. 0077//Se7ens List Tours


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Nig, with all that spec I am even more pleased to have stayed right behind you during our little blast... and with a five speed box!

No hijack intended Colin, but I am also a satisfied customer of DVA


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Thanks a million for the feedback, guys. Truth be told, I'll be happy with the 190bhp - provided I get most of it consistently around the 'Ring. My last SLR was like Jeckyl and Hyde there, and despite being rediculously quick and well sorted under 'normal' usage (though surely the 'Ring IS normal usage), I had to hang on tight at the exit of some of the Nordschleif bends in case another 20 BHP suddenly arrived from nowhere, as it was wont to do. *smile*
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You're right Nig, I'd forgotten that *thumbup*

As much as I like my new found poke, you should always leave me wishing for another 30bhp or less 40kg 😬

Are you planning to get it done before your next tour? I'll look forward to that result.


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