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Alex Wong1697456877

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The Reverie stuff is nice, but expensive being carbon! The pipework is hard down to the 'scoop' and the scoop is very good at picking up cement (allegedly!).


What about a variant of the DVA/Bernard Scouse airbox with a backplate to fit?



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I've gone for an airbox Alexy-boy and V7 is so quiet now. Last weekend I swapped drives with Nigey P and Tom Carabine for an hour and of the 3 mine was the quietest. Surprising as mine now puts out somewhere near to 20 million horses.


You car has to be the loudest one I've ever heard. Needs something or you'll go as deaf as me. What?


Worcs L7 club joint AO.//Membership No. 4379//Azure Blue SLR No. 0077//Se7ens List Tours


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Thanks everybody.


Fred? Any contact details please, and what engine did he fit his too? I know of the bespoke K-series TB airboxes but there's a bit less space to play with under the bonnet of my car.

The R500 airbox would require some mods to the nosecone and more significantly, I would need to devize an alternative way to fix the nosecone to the car as my car's TB's are horizontal and further forward compared to an R3/4/500. The Dzuz fastening would have to be removed.


Also, what has DVA / B Scouse used?



Alex Wong



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Edited by - Alex Wong on 30 Jun 2003 10:37:27

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The R500 airbox will not fit because:


A. The VX generally uses longer trumpets


B. The head is in the middle of the chassis meaning the airbox is under the bonnet. The air pipes into the airbox will not fit under the bonnet with a VX and the whole thing will look like a dogs breakfast if you try to make it fit.


Best option for VX (reluctant mode on) is the SBD airbox (/reluctant mode on) with the forward facing ram air collector. If you buy one I know a Dog who might like to boprrow it....


Fat Arn

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the bernard airbox is very simple, cheap and does the job. The reverie airbox has had reports of sapping power horribly (alhough I spoke to a freind of the desiner at Le Mans and he said it was very specific to the R500 engine where it works well...)


fairly average pic of it here


the std cylindrical filter fits on the front of it just out of view under the nosecone.





R706KGU Hoopylight R

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It's in my diary.


I'm still uncertain how powerful V7 is so I'm leaving the outrageous bragging out for now. As soon as I get a dry hot weekend where I'm not working I'll stick the AC22 on V7 and get some figures.


Worcs L7 club joint AO.//Membership No. 4379//Azure Blue SLR No. 0077//Se7ens List Tours


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Alex, I have the SBD airbox, will try to send you a pic.


It works well, and yes it does make the car a lot quieter (Ihave TB's).


In fact I miss the induction roar, but felt I had to fit it to protect the filter from the blowing sand here, which will coat the filter if the car is stationary.


I have one small gripe, and that is the airbox is attached to the backplate with allen screws, and it's very difficult to grt an allen key between the backplate and the TB's, so fitted stainless bolts instead, much easier to get a spanner in.


I don't think it robs any power, but because it's much quieter, it doesn't sound so fast.

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Ah, that's Mike Biddle. I just received an email from you with a picture of your car and the SBD airbox. Thanks. Think it was meant for Alex but non-the-less it's an impressive looking piece of kit.


Does anyone have any idea what Hoopy meant in his last post?

The case where DW so a bit gain when it was taken off must have been on a very different spec engine - I should have asked him
Nope... completely lost me there. *confused*


Worcs L7 club joint AO.//Membership No. 4379//Azure Blue SLR No. 0077//Se7ens List Tours


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DW is Dave Walker - the man from Emerald - i think you've met him once or twice...


An earlier post i did on this thread said DW had found 20 bhp on one car by removing the reverie airbox.


I also said that i spoke to somebody involved with the airbox and he said it was very susceptible to the spec of the engine and was designed specifically for the R500.


Graham R replied that his engine made 230 bhp - so obviously its working there. He didn't try it with the box off though.


My most recent post was summing this up and saying i should have asked DW what the engine spec was where it worked so badly.



R706KGU Hoopylight R

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