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running out of fuel (nearly)


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As I'm sure you are all aware the fuel gaugue on the K-series over-reads right the way through the scale. On the blat back from Rouen to Calais I used 30 litres of fuel (I filled up in Rouen, then again in Folkestone). I reckon the capacity of the tank is little more than 30 litres, so I wasn't surprised as I spluttered up the ramp off the train platform. Fortunately it was only 1/2 a mile to the petrol station in Folkestone. However, I'm still finding it a bit spluttery when pulling away in 1st at low revs, it can be a bit of a surprise when suddenly the power comes back.


I think it seems to be ok when warm.


Not being an engine guru I can't immediately tell, but I suspect it's not firing on all cylinders when cold, or is intermittently firing on one of them when cold. Could I have gunked up an injector with the goo in the bottom of my tank? How can I tell etc...








The plan is: Leave for Le Mans on the 7th


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Not likely that gunk got to an injector. It is one of those myths because there are two filters between the tank and the fuel rail.


have you had a further tank of fuel in the car since then? Sounds like the fuel you now have may be dodgy. There is a very low possibility that you might have knackered the fuel pump and it is struggling - they are lubricated and cooled by the fuel that they pump, so running them dry is bad. If this is the case you will find out soon enough, but just because the car runs OK at all is a good indicator that this isn't the problem.

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Thanks PC. I ran 200 miles from Rouen to Calais on some shell 98 with no problems. It was only when I started it up in the car-park at the tunnel to get on the train that I started having the problems. I thought I was just running out of fuel as I spluttered my way to the service station on the Folkestone side of the tunnel. But I still get the problem when cold, now that the tank is full.


If a cylinder was not firing at high revs, as I suspect it isn't at low revs, would I be able to tell from the engine note? Are there any checks I can do to confirm if it is only firing on 3 cylinders?





The plan is: Leave for Le Mans on the 7th


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My car sometimes behaves like this, from cold it runs on what feels like 2 or 3 cylinders and and it gradually improves as it warms up.


I changed the distributor cap and rotor arm as they were pitted around the contacts and I thought it had fixed it, but it came back the morning after a hard-ish blat.


I've now changed the HT leads and plugs as well and so far its been ok although I've only driven it twice since


It's too early to say whether I've actually fixed it or not *confused*. If you do find a definite cause please let me know



P8MRA - Red and Black 1.6K supersport

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Edited by - Nick Woods on 19 Jun 2003 11:52:00

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Nick, I'm fairly sure it's not distributor related, as I don't have one, I'm going to try replacing the coils (when Rover finally come up with some). I'm planning an Emerald in the not-too-distant future - funds permitting, so it will be interesting to see if this cures it too...






The plan is: Leave for Le Mans on the 7th


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I ran out of gas at the weekend, it took 35 litres to fill it.


When it ran out, it would idle fine, but as soon as you tried to go forward/rev engine it would splutter and die. Immediately after filling up all was fine again.

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What's the sequence for resetting an EU3 Rover Mems? - I'm wondering now whether the lack of fuel coming off the train somehow upset the ECU and whether a reset would help...










The plan is: Leave for Le Mans on the 7th


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Had a chance to get a decent look at it this weekend, from looking at the spark plugs, it seems to be over fuelling that is causing the problem (I guess this is why it's fine at higher revs) - the plugs are very black. So I scratched my head for a while wondering what makes an ECU'd car overfuel and I decided on the lambda probe in the exhaust. When I took this out it was very black too. Unfortunately, never having seen one before I don't know whether this is how they're supposed to look. Does anyone know how I can tell if it's dead or not?






The plan is: Leave for Le Mans on the 7th


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