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Best Way to trace a Fuel Leak


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Car is '98 SLR with in tank pump. I noticed a while ago a strong smell of Petrol in the garage when the car has been left there for a few days. During a dedion refit I took to oportunity to remove the tank and replace the seals for pump and sender and also to check all connections to tank, pump and filter. Despite all this there is still a strong smell of petrol around the rear offside wheel arch. No leak is visible ie no drips or damp areas that I can see, only thing that may be contributing is that the plate the pump is mounted on appears to be slightly distorted from being overtightened


Anybody know a good way to find where the leak is? yes I thought about the lighted match *smile* perhaps something a tad safer



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Really clean and dry-off the suspected area(s) and apply talcum powder very sparingly. It sounds like you've got a seep rather than a run. The talcum should show the point source of the leak.


Makes the car smell nice too.


Good luck,



BRG SV 😬 aka Bug Killer

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If the mounting face for the pump is distorted through overtightening you will never get a good seal. Straighten the mounting face using a G clamp and two flat peices of steel. The when re fitting the pump only use the shaft of the screwdriver to tighten this will prevent you overtigthening. IMO this is a very badly designed mounting, I shudder to think what may happen in the event of a rear accident.


Edited by - Rob walker on 15 Jun 2003 09:07:19

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