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Scuttle removal


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I've created a fully removable scuttle (interchangable aero & full screens), and regularly remove mine for wiring/dashboard jobs.

You will find the wiper system can be a bit awkward to get out, and you'll have to disconnect the speedo cable , then, if you don't have a heater (I don't think there is room for one under your bonnet is their?) the scuttle can be removed along with the front panel. Undo the 2 nuts each side where the scuttle joins the body, and the bolts that pass through holding the steering column in place, and it should, with a little persuasion, lift off. If will probably be held by some mastic along the front edge, but this can be peeled off, and doesn't seem to increase the amount of water entering the car when it rains *confused*.


Hope this helps,


Dave H

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On mine, 1993 vintage, you have to unbolt the fusebox wiring as this is attached to the front panel. Plus the two popper bases for the tonneau in the middle of the dash, these screw through the scuttle into a chassis rail. Plus if you have a red switch this'll need to be unbolted from the scuttle. Oh and the wiring for the heated screen if you have this.


Apart from that easy and well worthwhile for anything but the most trvial wiring job.

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Easy to do on my 1999 model. Drill out all the rivets around the top of the scuttle, under the bonnet. Drill out the single rivet at each side. Undo the two bolts each side which sandwich the scuttle to the chassis. Unscrew windscreen wiper stubs. Cut the silicone sealant away as you gently lift the scuttle.


Job's done.


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