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Speedo broke!


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The speedo gave up the ghost at Castle Combe today. I've heard there's a little plastic widget in the cable somewhere that has a tendancy to break - is it in the gearbox end or the speedo end? What's it called? If it's at the gearbox end, is there a problem with detaching the drive here and losing oil?



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if it's the standard cable one rather than the electric one, then the cable goes from the speed to the right angle drive hung off the gbox. Then there is a short piece of inner cable from the right angle drive into the box. There's no oil probs taking off the assembly from the box. You will need circlip pliers to get it off and bck on again. Bit fiddly but it should be poss to see what's going on.


If it's not that type, then I don't have a clue!



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I suspect the angle drive may have fallen out or the drive pin to the angle drive has sheared (I've had both problems).


I have a Caerbont instrument angle drive for sale if it proves necessary.


If its the drive pin its probably a few pence, a new angle drive is 45 quid i think.



R706KGU Hoopylight R

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Thanks all. I'll have a delve under the car and check the connection there. The same had happened when I was first test driving the car and the guy I bought it from said the bit breaks regulalrly and only costs a few pence. So I'll keep fingers crossed that it's only the drive pin.


Hoopy - what's a Caerbont instrument angle drive?


Mike (Griff)

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the gearbox has a shaft on it that is meant for the speedo. this has a plastic gear on it to determine its speed and can be changed (i think its an engine out job though) for various tyre sizes to get the speed about right.


the shaft sticks out the side of the gearbox by about a cm.


you then need to get drive from that shaft to the gauge, this means getting it round the corner to avoid hitting the side of the tunnel. so a little gearbox thing is plugged in so that it now has a spinning shaft pointing DOWN.


you then have room to connect the cable to this.


I called it a Caerbont one as its for the older style (up to about 2000) instruments made by Caerbont. The part for the newer VDO gauges (with turn indicators in the gauge not a separate light) is different.



R706KGU Hoopylight R

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I checked with Caterham yesterday if the early VDO angle drive is still available for VDO intrumented cars of 1995 vintage. Nope was the answer suggesting if I cannot bodge it back together I will need to replace the whole caboodle with a newer type.



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I've just replaced the plastic speedo gear without removing the gearbox neither the engine!

It took to me a couple of hours to get the job done. You have just to remove the metal cover fitted at the opposite side of the angle drive on the gearbox output (using a mirror to see what you are doing). The speedo gear will then go out by pushing it with a small screw driver from the angle drive side. The seal must also be replaced.

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