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Which helemt and where from?

Steve Cragg

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Looking to buy a helmet for occasional track days. Have budget of around £100


Looked at DT, BAT and a local motorbike shop. Local one is gold stamped at £130, BAT have a £45 type B approved and one at £85 that is A approved. DT start at £85.


Any advice on which type I should buy and any suggestions on best source of supply greatly appreciated.






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Is it for track days or competition? I think for track days you'll need a minimum of a Type A helmet this year.


The key thing is to try them on to find out which one works for you, I had a Shoei RXR for track days which was fine but no good longer use as it left a bruise on my forehead. I have a Bell Sport 3 now which is better but still not perfect.


In terms of cost I'd reckon to spend £140-150 minimum to get something half way decent. Easytrack are doing decent OMP (I think) ones for around £200 at the moment.


Rob G


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I'd agree with Rob.


Octagon (and various other circuits) will not accept Type B this year, I believe, so go for A as a minimum.


Also, you should definitely try it on for size first. Different models and makes feel very different. A trip to Grand Prix Racewear/Demon Tweeks is worth making if you can.


Finally, spend as much as you reasonably can on the helmet, it's been said that the price of your helmet is the value you place on your head ...


Pat and his not quite black and white cat

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Type B is not suitable for any MSA approved events - and this includes L7CGB sprints at Curborough etc


For MSA approved events you need a helmet that meets either SNELL SA 95 or SA 2000, SFI Foundation 31.1/31.2 or BS 6658 - 85 Type A - although BS6658/FR (Fire Resistant) is the preferred BS level.


Generally SNELL SA 2000 is the standard that people tend to go for in a new helmet. The lower priced SA 2000 helmets tend to be around £200 (Bell Sport 3) - but as the other guys have said you need one that fits well. Go to DT etc....


Hope this helps,



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I am not sure about Octagon not accepting type B helmets, I have done one trackday so far at Brands this year and they never even looked at the helmets. I am due to do another in September and there was nothing on the application form about helmet types, so IMHO they would have difficulty enforcing it on the day.


Andy G 😬

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Not sure about Octagon but a Type B will be of limited use - and realistically an unwise buy.


The relative difference in prices between helmets of the various standards pales into insignificance when you think what we have all splashed out on a Caterham - however old. As someone has pointed out - we all value our heads! In my view the best protection is worth the extra few pounds - no matter how often you use the helmet. I use my Bell Sport II (SNELL SA 95) helmet when going karting too - real overkill perhaps - but it provides good protection and is very comfortable.




I assume you have a least an FIA bar/strut too. Whilst obviously not necessary (although mandatory for L7CGB events) this is a strongly recommended item..



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Thanks for the advice guys. I have decided that it makes sense to go for a type A and will try and get to one of the major stores to do some trying out. Sounds like another blown budget!


Any further suggestions of sources of supply appreciated.





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Yes I have an FIA bar and petty strut. I've done a couple of track days using hired/borrowed helmets and reached the point where I need to get my own. Crunch came at the club track day at Cadwell where I nearly couldn't drive due to a lack of helmet. It was only due to Felix's generosity and having one the correct size available that saved the day.



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Something worth considering is the weight of the helmet. It is possible to have a spin and end up with whiplash without actually hitting anything. Lighter helmet, less risk. Lighter helmets tend to cost more.


I have no problem spending £400ish on a helmet, I really don't think it is worth economising too much, but I do a fair number of events so over three or four years it fades right into the noise.


And, of course, you only need it once.



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Any Type A helmet will have passed the same rigorous tests as any other, and should offer the same protection whether it costs £400 or £60. I have just bought (today actually) a nice lightweight SpadaType A helmet for £99 (haggled down from £135) and am quite happy to continue competing in Speed events with it, as a replacement for my old AGV.


Of course you could spend £400 on the latest fashion Ikon...

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I went to my local race factor.

He said. Try on these helmets tell me which one you like and then I'll tell you the price.

Oh yes I thought.. He helped me with fit and what it should do and not do. Most of which I already knew.


I was surprised from a fit pov that the most expensive ones did not suit me. Went for a mid range one.

No point in having a really posh looking one that is not comfortable. I agree that some of the more expensive ones may be better from protection POV and may be more comfortable for some.


I would say you £100 is low end but not unachievable. Arai are nice and light but dear...


I always wear a neck brace on track. Have had a dodgy neck and don't want a little thing to aggravate it.


My racing pics, 7 DIY, race prep. Updated often here

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I was looking at helmets in Lincoln yesterday. The bike shops have a few BS (type A) approved lids but this seems to be "old" stock; they were suggesting that none of their new stock will have the blue sticker as they will be stamped with the new euro bike standard.

Bought a Shoei (? sp) "flip" helmet- old stock, reduced price, BS.. TypeA sticker.

E.mail me if you want to know more of the suppliers around here,



Mobile at last in my R300!!!

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Thanks for all the input guys. I now have a much better idea of what I am looking for and plenty of additional places to look. What a great forum this is *smile*




How's the new car going? We'll have to meet up one weekend so I can have a look at your new pride & joy and enjoy some of Lincolnshire's fine empty roads 😬



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Great thanks Steve *smile*

Nearly 2000 miles in the first month ( so much for the limited mileage insurance!)

Getting out on the track in July ( Donnington ) then Cadwell later in the year.

Do you have plans for another trackday soon?



Mobile at last in my R300!!!

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Sounds like another blown budget!


As we say in the bicycle racing community here in SoCal: If you've got a 2 dollar head, get a 2 dollar helmet.


I do not in any way mean this as any kind of personal remark or insult but rather simply mean to say that when it comes to the brain (such as mine is), I'm only too happy to spend the whole hog. If I'm going to be damaging the thing, I prefer to blow out the few functioning cells that remain at the local gorgeous babes cocktail lounge...


I feel weight is a factor as well and in my web searching I've found little information about the weights of helmets from the various manufacturers. Only one firm I have found has posted the weight of their product on their website. I understand that different sizes will weigh different amounts and all I'm really out for is trying to find relative differences between the different builders.


I asked this question here several weeks back and was (correctly) advised that brand isn't nearly as important as fit. So I'm off to the local racing store, as soon as I can find one.





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