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Piston Engine (a Bargain)


The sketch:


Mrs Non-Robinson (?)

(on radio) Morning Mrs Robinson.

Mrs Robinson (?)

(on radio) Mornin Mrs Non-Robinson.

Mrs Non-Robinson

Been shopping?

Mrs Robinson

No, ... I've been shopping.

During this exchange there have been six cuts to close-ups of radios of different shapes and sizes.


Mrs Non-Robinson

What'd you buy?

Pull out to reveal a pepperpot. Mrs Non-Gorilla sitting beside a radio on a park bench.


Mrs Robinson

(on radio) A piston engine.

Mrs Non-Robinson

What d'you buy that for?

Mrs Robinson

It was a bargain.

Mrs Non-Gorilla (Eric)

Bloody rubbish. (she turns the radio off)

Quick cut to a hospital, doctor on a bed listening to a radio. It switches off.


Doctor (Graham)

I wanted to listen to that!

Cut back to Mrs Non-Gorilla. Another pepperpot approaches.


Mrs Non-Gorilla

Morning Mrs Gorilla.

Mrs Gorilla (Michael)

Morning Mrs Non-Gorilla.

Mrs Non-Gorilla

Have you been shopping?

Mrs Gorilla

No ... been shopping.

Mrs Non-Gorilla

Did you buy anything?

Mrs Gorilla

A piston engine!

She reveals a six-cylinder car engine on a white tray, on a trolley.


Mrs Non-Gorilla

What d'you buy that for?

Mrs Gorilla

Oooh! It was a bargain.

Start to pan away from them, their voices become fainter


Mrs Non-Gorilla


Pan across a civic park, of which the only occupants are about ten pepperpots, dressed identically, scattered across on benches. One pepperpot is in a wheelchair. We come in to Mrs Non-Smoker, unwrapping a parcel and calling to the birds.


Mrs Non-Smoker (Terry J.)

Come on little birdies ... come on little birdies ... tweet tweet ... come and see what mummy's got for you ...

Shw unwraps the parcel revealing a leg of lamb which she hurls at the gathered birds. A screech. She kills a pigeon. She reaches in a another bag and produces two tins of pineapple chunks and throws them.


Mrs Non-Smoker

Come on little birdies ... tweety tweety ... oooh look at this ... tweet tweet ... ooohhh nice one ... come on little birdies ...

She chortles with delight as she hurls a huge jar of mayonnaise which smashes messily. She then throws a large frozen turkey, a jar of onions, a bag of frozen peas, and a bottle of wine. We widen as Mrs Smoker, with an identical piston engine to the last pepperpot, comes up to Mrs Non-Smoker. Quite a large area in front of Mrs Non-Smoker is littered with packaged foods and dead birds; a bird is pecking at a tin of paté; a small pond in front of her has a swan upside down with its feet sticking in the air, a huge tin floating beside it.


Mrs Non-Smoker

Oohh hello, Mrs Smoker.

Mrs Smoker (Graham)

Hello Mrs Non-Smoker.

Mrs Non-Smoker

What, you been shopping then?

Mrs Smoker

Nope ... I've been shopping!

Mrs Non-Smoker

What d'you buy?

Mrs Smoker

A piston engine!

Mrs Non-Smoker

What d'you buy that for?

Mrs Smoker

It was a bargain!

Mrs Non-Smoker

How much d'you want for it?

Mrs Smoker

Three quid!

Mrs Non-Smoker

Done. (she hands over the money)

Mrs Smoker

Right. Thank you.

Mrs Non-Smoker

How d'you cook it?

Mrs Smoker

You don't cook it.

Mrs Non-Smoker

You can't eat that raw!

Mrs Smoker

Ooooh ... never thought of that. Oh, day and night, but this is wondrous strange ...

Mrs Non-Smoker

... and therefore is a stranger welcome it. There are more things in Heaven and Earth Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. But come, the time is out of joint. Oh cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right. Let's go together.

They get up and go. Fade to black.


Continue on to the next sketch...



If ya' can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all. Thumper

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eeee, when I were a lad


It was compulsory at my school to be able to recite every word from every Monty Python sketch, and you tell that to the young people today and they won't believe you


If ya' can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all. Thumper

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Rach - Areoscreens are good aren't they 🤔


CAn't wait to get blatting behind mine again - would you like a go in the passenger seat 🤔 You could then write an essay for you homework entitled:


A comparison on aeroscreens from near Birmingham and near London





R706KGU 495 kg 200 bhp Hoopylight R - finished this weekend i hope *smile*

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Will I be able to see over yours? 😬 Moomin's car is very lovely, much like Moomin. It is even suitable for napping (on the way back from a busy afternoon at the after school meeting) at least until that horrible Craig comes past making really loud noises in his pedal car ☹️


He scared me and woke me up! ☹️ *mad*




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