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the what i did at the weekend topic

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At the weekend I did the following:



sorted all my nuts / bolts / washers / split washers / nylocs / rivnuts / connectors etc



reseated the liners

made liner clamps

clamped liners

realigned clutch

put bottom end in pedal car

fitted clutch cable

fitted water thermostat and hoses

put rivnuts in battery holder

put oil pump/engine mount thingy in

put all the oil lines in inc laminova and dry sump tank



made lower cambelt cover

put cam pulley location pins into cams

put dizzy drive spigot into inlet cam

put head on engine (thanks NIG)

fitted verniers and timed cams (thanks NIG and MAV)

put cam cover on (temporarily)

fitted dizzy (thanks NIG)

put throttle bodies on, fitted injection, back plate, trumpets, throttle cable (thanks NIG)

adjusted / fitted alternator and belt (thanks MAV)

fitted starter

fitted exhaust

fitted water rail

fitted removable chassis rail

reangled rack to clear engine mount

made plug lead holder




fix dry sump tank (easy)

fit header tank (should be easy

fit catch tank - i've got lots of hose - should be easy

fit airbox - easy - I've test fitted it already

fit immobiliser (this has become optional for the moment)

buy and fit new oil pressure sender

buy and fit 2 nylocs to secure a removable chassis rail

buy and fit bolts / nuts to hold steering column to UJ

get bolt down the cam cover using bolts in the post

tighten all oil, coolant, fuel lines / connections

fit engine wiring loom


then the start procedure

cam lube on cams

crank for pressure

load map into emerald

start it (this could need map tweaking)

check for leaks etc

warm it up at 2000 rpm is to run in cams and warm it up

test drive 1: few runs over the rev range and mid load to bed in rings as in

the website posted earlier on sevens and ne7ers.

check lambda reading tweak map as required

check everything

drive home


GRIN wildly *smile*


then change the oil and drive to emerald on tuesday to get in mapped *smile*


then le mans on thursday *thumbup* *smile*



R706KGU 495 kg 200 bhp Hoopylight R - finished this weekend i hope *smile*

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Tried to plaster my kitchen wall (again !)

Completely lost my temper, threw toys out of pram and hurled hawk, plaster and trowel around kitchen.

Stood outside a bit, fuming and muttering at plants.

Apologised repeatedly to Mrs NB.

Went back inside and attempted to finish the job.



Started to clean plaster off the new fridge, doors, cooker, window, all the other walls, my camera (don't ask), ceiling, living room carpet (it really does go a long way when you throw it hard !) and by now slightly ridgid pet cat !

Apologised repeatedly to Mrs NB

Booked anger management classes and ordered 400 sheets of sandpaper for next weekend !


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Friday - went to a BBQ with our previous landlord and drank much wine 😬


Saturday - Bikesheds Meeting - of course 😬 *thumbup* Top day out, gorgeous weather and a good blat down and then on the way back a blat in the Moomin Machine of Wonderment - only problem being that I couldn't see over the aeroscreen *eek* Then quick shower and off to a Cam7 BBQ in honour of Jim's Birthday 😬


Sunday - Watched GP and touring cars and went out for dinner with friends - yum yum *wink*


Top weekend - apart from Alex's migraines which meant we didn't get to the Shuttleworth thingy ☹️




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And I thought the fair and comely Rachael was firmly attached to young Birtwisle Minor,and here you are taking bedding along for a trip into the countryside, you are more of a rogue than even me, you really are a God amongst men (and boys), ding dong as the lovely Miss Mav (and my mate Terry) would say. 😳 *wink*





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Saturday - Bikesheds meeting 😬 great fun, outrageously hot weather. Then on down to London, via Chelmsford. Drank waaaay to much 😬 😬, and got totally messed around by a young lady ☹️ with whom I had some unfinished business.


Sunday - lay on assorted friends sofas feeling sorry for myself ☹️ Drove back up to Southport, had large whisky, went to bed 😬


Caterham 21 VHPD *cool* - one of the few *thumbup*

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Rollcage arrived... stuck it in my neighbours hall as he was away.

Went to The Skylark pub in Croydon.




Other neighbours tripped over the rollcage when they took in the post 😳

Went to the circus with Joanne - saw tigers jump through hoops!!! *cool*

Had a meal in The Fox pub

Went back to my watch Jerry Maguire... didn't see any tv, something to do with Joanne molesting me...

😬 *tongue* *wink*




Watch Monaco GP

Put rollcage on Emma

Hurt my thumb ☹️

Drilled holes for fuel filler

Ordered flowers for Joanne

Neighbour returned from Isle of Wight

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Sat - Did kiddy stuff, weather good, wife working, watched Scottish Cup Final with many beers 😬


Sun - weather good again (got to get out in 7 i thought) wife decides we should blitz the garden (long overdue admittedly) so shorts on (not a bonnie sight) dig, chop, cut, etc...


" we need more decorative bark from B&Q " - I'll go! (please fit in 7 😬)


Doors off, scorchio, many strange looks in B&Q carpark, bags JUST fitted in passenger seat - OUCH!!! - burnt shin on exhaust heat shield... bugger.


Took long way home to keep me happy 😬



Very Black 6spd SuperSport *wink*

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Saturday - Silverstone. Free practice in morning. After practice, discover that ride height needs adjusting, so ask someone how to do that 😳. While adjusting left front, burn arm badly on the exhaust pipe *mad* 🙆🏻 *thumbdown* ☹️. Visit medical centre, where kind nurse applies magic cooling gel *smile*.


Qualifying in afternoon, 17th in first qualifying, 14th in second ☹️. Receive text message from Rach about toaster but don't leave Silverstone until 6.30 so too late ☹️. Return to hotel, have dinner with family. Fall asleep at 9.00pm 😳 😳 😳, pay for it by waking up at 01.00am 😳 😳 😳. Can't get back to sleep so draft text message to Rach apologising for my absence. Accidentally hit send button twice 😳, hope it doesn't wake anyone up! Finally get back to sleep at 04.00am.


Sunday - Silverstone for racing. First race is a bit of a demolition derby. Roll call includes:

- 7 missing rear wing

- another 7 missing rear wing

- 7 with front end wrecked

- another 7 with front end wrecked and missing exhaust

- another 7 with missing exhaust

- 7 that hit wall at speed, driver winded, £6k of damage

- 7 that rolled, driver with scraped knuckles but OK otherwise, 7 missing a few wings


*eek* *eek* *eek* *eek* *eek* *eek* *eek* *eek* *eek* *eek*


I manage to avoid any serious damage. Lots of slipstreaming and overtaking, I finish 7th *cool*, just pipped to 6th by 0.03 secs

My best finish ever, hurrah 😬 😬 😬 😬


Second race is more controlled, a few spinners but no serious damage. I finish 10th *smile*, was 8th into final bend but fluffed it in the excitement, passed by 2 on the final straight 😳


All in all, very exciting. Oh, and this is the first weekend that I decided to video my races, so should make for some exciting viewing when the tapes are done 😬 😬 😬 😬 😬


Sorry for the boring race report, but I had so much fun I wanted to share it with as many people as possible 😳 😳 😳 😬 😬 😬


Pat and his not quite black and white cat

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No problem *wink*


I'm ok at making tea and coffee and stopping timers going off on ovens *eek* 😬


Hope you get sorted next weekend *biggrin* Wish i could be there, even if it is just for the tea making service *smile*


Viv *smile*

Wishing i had my own seven, but not spinning it *biggrin*

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