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FIA bar/headrests/tonneau

Ralph Morgan

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Having just completed the installation of an FIA bar on my live axle car, I had to remove the seats to be able to refit the headrests. I had expected that they might be difficult to remove to fit the tonneau when needed, but realise now that this will be impossible! I'll therefore have to get suitable "pockets" installed in the tonneau. I recall some time back that there is a company (is it Oxted that make the tonneaus etc for Caterham, or someone else?) that can do this, but with the search facility down at the moment does anyone have the contact details?


Incidentally has anyone else had such problems with the headrests? The drivers side one gets very deformed by the crossbar on the FIA if the seat is pushed right back (as it needs to be to suit me) and would hardly give any protection from impact by this bar if I was hit from behind. Can the headrest be bent forward to prevent this? Seats are "old type" from 1990 - perhaps the newer ones give more clearance.

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Caterham do a fixed headrest kit which mounts on the FIA bar which provides a regulation sized flat plate onto which people usually mount a padded cushion etc. This kit is intended for the race/sprint guys - I use it with my normal leather seats and it does afford the right kind of protection.


You will need to see it to see whether this is OK for you.



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I've found the ad you were looking for in Low Flying(Jan 03)





IIRC they aren't really a retail outlet (judging from their website) - I was looking for an FIA hood but was dissapointed that they don't seem to have an online shop...


blo498 - I'll have a word with Millwood during service next week about these bolt-on thingies - I had another thread running about confor foam and FIA bars with Tillets and these might help.




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Hi Ralph.


Oxted may modify your tonneau for you, but I don't know for sure. You'd need to have a word.

Number is 01883 712112.


There is also someone called Jill Judd, who is in Sussex. Her name has popped up here

once or twice in connection with weather gear mods. Her number is 01798 813389.

Again I haven't contacted her about this, but others have.


If either of these numbers are wrong, let me know, so I can keep my list of usefuls



Myles, I'd be amazed if Oxted would sell you anything direct, if it is exactly the same as they

supply to Caterham. Caterham have a knack of tying up their suppliers with exclusivity

agreements. Bit of a pain for us, but then I'd do it if I were them!



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Thanks for the tip, but having just spent over £100 on the pair of headrests (from Millwoods) I’m a bit reluctant to bin one of them and spend more on the “race” type! I’m also a bit disappointed, I suppose, that Millwoods didn’t point out that the FIA bar and these standard headrests aren’t really compatible, particularly as I bought the bar from them at the same time.


I've seen plenty of cars with the normal headrests and an FIA though - perhaps the problem is something to do with different seat heights, rake angles or similar? I also recall someone here saying they specified their FIA bar without the crossmember - this would have solved the problem, but would it then be "FIA Approved"?


I think I’ll just have to live with the deformed headrest and/or move the seat forward a notch or two!




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I had 'ears' added to my tonneau cover by Oxted trimming a couple of months ago as they are only a few miles from me.


Cost was £61.69 inc VAT, phoned a couple of days before, had the tonneau fitted and measured for position of the seats, went for a blat round Kent & picked the cover up an hour and a half later.


They had done a very good job.


I don't know what Jill Judd charges for the same amendment but have seen quite a few posts from people happy with her work.


Brrrrrrrrr..... *cool*

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