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Isn't it about time that the club magazine ran an article by someone authoritive (spelling?) about tyres? ACBs hard / soft compound, R500s, 021s / 032s. There must be members out there all using Ford centres, 13" wheels with each tyre variant. They could do a report on the difference fitting each variant to the same car. I've got A510s and think I'd change to 021s when I next need to (want to). but 032s???


Is anybody out there listening?


Nigel Mills - xflow

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The tyres will need different setups to get the best out of them. It is not a simple matter of swapping on a different tyre and getting an exact result. Also the different tyre designs set different compromises. Wet, dry, wear, twitchiness, susceptibility to overheating on the track.


What size would you run for the test? What pressures? How much power? On road? On track? Which driver? What camber? What roll stiffness?


Sorry, but this is an engineer's answer. You can probably get all the result you need by asking the manufacturers how they biased the design compromises and from the comparative experience of us lot. There aren't many more revelations to uncover.


Any magazine article would perjure itself if it pretended objectivity.


Edited by - Peter Carmichael on 29 Jan 2001 13:14:49

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Can't say I disagree, however, I don't believe it's realistic to assume that all 7 owners will have their car set up specifically for the tyre they've chosen or that anyone would pretend to understand what a given tyre requires in term of suspension geometry. I would imagine things like turn in, ultimate grip, breakaway progression or whatever would be comparable all at the same settings. Ok ACB10s are another kettle of cold water beings but for radials surely some comparison could be drawn for those of us not given to flat floor setups?


Nigel Mills - xflow

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