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Squeaky Clutch Cable

Gary G

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My clutch cable has started squeaking (engine off). I have done zero miles between it squeaking and not. Taking off the pedal box cover reveals it is not the pedal or anything attached to it, but almost certainly the cable inside the housing. I've tried moving the housing to give it a smoother path, but the squeaking persists.


What should I do to remedy this?



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I think the cable runs inside a nylon sheath so it's unlikely to squeal unless it's very worn indeed. Are you sure it isn't the pedal pivot; they typically need lubricating from time to time and perhaps a bit of emery cloth to smooth them out.


Edited by - felix.klauser on 18 May 2003 17:59:21

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I'm pretty sure it isn't the pivot at the pedal end. I've had the pedal box cover off and the squeak isn't coming from there. It's coming from further down the cable in the housing area.


I'd be surprised if the cable is badly worn since the car has only done 8500 miles..??? *confused*


Any other ideas?

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That's interesting Paul. Should this have been spotted at the 12,000mile service that Caterham carried out 2 weeks (and minimal miles) ago?


12k service schedule includes the following:


Check Clutch Operation

Check Condition and adjustment of Clutch Cable


Please tell me this it's a simple job to replace?

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Change it, they are cheap & easy to change. While your at it, buy 2 & keep a spare in the car.


Mine didnt break on me, but only by a large dose of luck. I was doing something else in the engine & spotted the cable was down to the last couple of strands of wire at the BH end. It snapped while I was removing it!!



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You have already removed the pedal box cover, so you can see how it fits in there. Run the new cable along the route of the old cable, it feeds into the bell house casting and under the rubber cover on top of the bell housing you will see the clutch arm, were the end of the cable is retained. Remove the old cable and replace with new cable, adjust the outer for slack and you're done and dusted...


You will most likely find the clutch suddenly becomes lighter and smoother to operate, which is a good indication that the old one was starting to wear thould the nylon sheath.


It almost takes longer to type this than fit a new cable.


... and as already mentioned, buy a spare and carry it!



Deliveries by Saffron, *thumbup* the yellow 222bhp Sausage delivery machine

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