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Curborough tomorrow

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Ballast - are you trying to provoke me with Cucumbers 🤔 *mad* Evil evil things *mad* Thanks for the choccy biscuits though - they were a good call


Dave, it was good to meet you. I wish I had had had had more time to talk to you. Your 21 seems less hair dressery than Craigs. It may be because you don't have the "Seymour Quiff" 😬


Ken .... why didn't I meet you 🤔 were you hiding from me 🤔 I almost met Eric too - I think he was in car number 3 but when I was wandering around the paddock I couldn't get to him for the naked ladies on his bonnet and the press photographers. Maybe next time


Hope to see you all again soon



1.8K Viper Blue and Black


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😬 *thumbup* Thanks Buda - have to say I would rather be doing the timekeeping than the commentary any time.


It was a shame that there was not enough time for a second run...Buda was really getting into it and had lots still to say for the second runs...never mind, there is always next time *tongue*


Top job, Buda, well done *thumbup*

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I spun the car in the first timed run 😬 😬 😬 ☹️ *thumbdown* *confused* then because weather was so bad they decided the second "timed run" would only be one lap and wouldn't count so i didn't get the chance to redeem myself *mad* 🙆🏻 *mad* 🙆🏻 *thumbdown*


Nevermind i had more fun than i thought i would *cool* *thumbup*


I was inline for recieving the fastest female novice too 😳 *wink*


Viv *smile*

Wishing i had my own seven, but not spinning it *biggrin*

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Aha! Bit of a 🙆🏻er. Although you're right, spins are 😬 😬 😬 and ☹️ ☹️ ☹️ at the same time. Sounds like you don't lack 'commitment' 😳, so a good result can't be too far away.


If it's any consolation, I was just as (un)successful at Cadwell Park - although I too had lots of fun sliding around. Finished the day with a 6 hour trip back home in the 7 - got home at 1am *eek* *eek* *eek*.


Excellent new signature *biggrin*


Pat and his not quite black and white cat

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Yes it is a 🙆🏻er but nevermind eh *wink* *thumbup*


Sorry you didn't get a good result but atleast you had some fun *cool* *wink* *eek* *thumbup*


Hope you are fully recovered from the drive home *biggrin*


I can't believe how calm i was about the spin as it seemed so slow and i felt as though i had all the time in the world to take action against going off into the barrier. Instead i went onto the grass on the inside *thumbup*


I didn't want to ruin Mart's chances as he is far more competitive than myself. I mean that in a nice way *smile*


Viv *smile*

Wishing i had my own seven, but not spinning it *biggrin*

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Miss Mav is selling herself short here - when the car started to let go, she handled it masterfully and managed to finish pointing in the right direction *thumbup* Top driving and a shame that she didn't have the chance to go out and record a second time because she would certainly have been on for fastest lady *wink*
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Aw shucks Rach 😳 Thanks but your making me blush now 😳 😳


Here'd to the next Curborough eh 😬 *thumbup*


Are you having a go Rach 🤔


You could get fastest female novice *cool* 😬


Viv *smile*

Wishing i had my own seven, but not spinning it *biggrin*

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Here's to the next Curborough eh


Are you having a go Rach?


You could get fastest female novice


Oooh, that's the Swift Cup and has my name on it 😬 *tongue* *cool* *cool* *cool* *cool* *cool* *cool* *cool*


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Just behave, anyway I set down my terms with Ballast...if she does I will. Actually, I would very much like to, it just depends on a whole host of other things as to whether I will be able to or not and anyway I wouldn't want to take the trophy away from FH would I? 😬
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My ears were burning....so I thought I'd wander down to the Bikeshed......


Now Rach...you've got the plan all wrong....if we all compete as novices in the same sprint...only one of us can win the FH silverware.....we all need silverware..we must therefore combine our efforts to maximise the sparkly stuff *wink*


Anyway....who knows if there will even be a functional N7 XTC to compete in the summer....PP seems to be intent on taking it to bits and making it go faster.....the question is whether it will go back together again (and work *tongue* ).... and what class I'd end up in..... *eek* *eek*


We'll see..... 😬 😬




Edited by - Ballast on 22 May 2003 09:58:36

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You only keep the trophy for a year ☹️ So mine's not the last name on it *tongue*



If Rach tried for the August trophy, that would give Mr Ballast the chance to put his makeup bag away and get on with the building in time for Mrs Ballast to have a go next May 😬 This plan also relies upon the Ballast household's male member 😳 *wink* divulging "the secrets of how to drive round Curborough, version 2" to both participants *thumbup*




Anyone want to buy a job lot of silver polish?

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Ah Hah *tongue* Didn't take you long to find out your name was being taken in vain/vein/vane [delete as appropriate] *wink*


So you keep lock picks as well as shiny-nose-removing paraphernalia in that bag do you *eek*


Oh, and BTW Mr PP, I don't keep secret plans in my drawers 😳 I keep them in a cabbynet 😬



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You've all gone mad *eek* 😬 I think FH is nearly correct...but now that my map has been graffitied I will need time to recover...PP should get the car fixed for August so that Ballast can compete then and then I can have a go in May next year...




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PP divulged his lines to a group of sprinters and soon to be sprinters at a recent test day according to attendees.


Rach - another pact? I believe you had one with Miss Mav for May *tongue*


Ballast - Participation in class is meaningless. It is just down to the fastest lady novice on the day - That would have been Miss Mav had she not spun is such spectacular fashion *eek* ad she was in class 2.



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