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A Leaker


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Is there a rubber seal or gasket around the filler cap ? Or should there be one if there isn't ?? Sounds an odd thing to happen to be honest.


Alternatively, could it be a leak from around the fuel filler / hose connection which is weeping out through the hole in the bodywork from the inside rather than leaking out through the filler cap ? That's a totally rubbish description on my part but I hope you get the idea ??

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Nick M: On saturday, May 17(Norwegian Independence Day) some 7s are assembling for a mountain blat in San Diego county(Ca.) @ 9 AM @ the intersection of I 15 & HWY 76 for an asault on Mt. Palomar and nearby twisties. If you feel like a long drive followed by a blat with some 7ers just join up. I'll help with the details if you are interested. *cool*
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I'd love to, but unfortunately I'm competing in my first Autocross event that day just to the west of Phoenix.


I don't doubt that, given another month or two, I'll be desperate to escape the Arizona sun so feel free to mention other similar events !! :) I'll be there like a shot !!


Are you on the US se7ens list by the way ??

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Good luck in your Autocross; I've got one next week. Yes, I am on the se7ens list and have seen your occasional posts. When the temp gets above 110 in Phoenix use your naturally air-conditioned 7 to roll over here for some fresh, cool salt air. We'll get some cars together and have some fun. If you need some help with logistical details just let me know. *cool*
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Cool !! *cool* Or at least, cooler !! 😬


I'm looking forward to heading West and seeing the Pacific again !! Having lived on the coast in England I'm missing the sea being stuck here in the middle of a desert !!


Good luck with your autotest - I'm just aiming to be within, oooh, about 30 seconds of the other cars in my class !! 😬 😬 *thumbup*


Edited by - Nick M on 15 May 2003 02:51:47

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