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B&B in the Lake District


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I've posted this on the GOG's Chit Chat forum too, but want to especially ask the Bikeshedders:-


Planning a long weekend this weekend in the Lakes, can anyone suggest a B&B establishment?


Somewhere centralish to do a bit of touring.


Unsure if I will take the 7, weather and finding the time to check the car over for the trip may meant we go in the tin top.


Suggestions please, phone numbers would be useful too.





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I think Buda may be able to help you he is normally in the blatchat area morw than he is round here. I think he has family in the lake district area


Hope you get something arranged *wink*




Viv *smile*

Wishing i had my own seven

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Just so happens we are up there this coming week as well and visit almost every two months.


There is a bed and breakfast farm - plenty of parking and more importantly series one LandRover in ST John's Vale - it has it's own tea room which is part of a team room walk and is right near Thirlmere - right in the heart of the Lakes. We discovered it when we were walking. Haven't stayed there but the welcome we got was warm - although it is haunted. Tourist Information in Keswick or Ambleside may have the number. I'll see if we have still got the leaflet.


There is also a similar B&B farm type thing on the road between Kirkstone Pass and Ambleside (close to Ambleside) They also feed hungry walkers (hence how we discovered it) There is a sign as you go from Ambleside up the road saying walkers cafe or something similar. Again Tourist Information may have the number.


Grassmere is nice and central. If you are feeling particularly hardy there is a basic campsite at Seathwait (South of Derwent) which is right next to Great Gable and gives you great routes into Scarfell etc.


Langdale maybe worth a try too.


Avoid the Swiss Cottage B and B in Keswick - although very clean etc, etc they did use rubber undersheets and the owner could not grasp I did not like orange juice and just wanted water.


Sorry my descriptions are so vague - I'll ask Mrs B as she is pretty good. You could also try hiring a cottage - Country Cottages and Heart of the Lakes are two companies that do weekend breaks and are on the web.

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Ahhh I cant help cos I have got family there so I just stay wth them, My uncles got a nice hotel just outside bowness called the Beech Hill - its a tad more expensive than a b&b though - on the other hand it is very very nice.
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Thanks all, particularly Boonie *thumbup*


Will try and chase up the suggestions through tourist information offices - though if you find the leaflet with phone number please post it *thumbup*.


If you are going to be around Sat/Sunday fancy a beer somewhere?





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Sorry Mrs B has already made plans - have you got a 7 and are you taking it with you. If so I'll look out for you. If you see a couple being dragged around by a very worried looking German Shepherd that's us - alternatively you may see a Clio with a roofbox being driven erratically (dog in back with head in paws).


Found the St John's tea room thang on the net: http://www.sjitv.freeserve.co.uk/html/self_catering.html


sorry - I thought it was B&B but it's self catering.


There are plenty of B&Bs on the the main one way road out of Ambleside where the cinema is - and - if you are in Ambleside go to the church where you will find a school - you can park at the school for a £1 a day when there are no children there. Much cheaper than the car parks - but don't take my space 😬

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I may be a bit late here, but The Limes Country Hotel near Penrith is a nice place run by a nice couple with nice rooms and a bloomin good fry up in the morning.


I often stay there when I am working in the Lakes. 01768 863 343 is the number I think.





1.8K Viper Blue and Black


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Thanks for the various recommendations, The Lakeside Hotel, just off the road between Keswick and Cockermouth now booked for this Friday and Sat @ 27 pp pn.


Thanks again for the suggestions, think it's going to be the tin top, now, what's the weather forcast for this weekend?


Boonie - I'll be looking out for you and the German Shepherd, we'll be the couple in the metallic red Peugeot 106 no roofbox, no dog *smile* *thumbup* How will I know which is your parking space 🤔


Edited by - allen on 14 May 2003 19:55:43

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Would any of you who are going to the Lakes soon like to take my knackered 2.8 Granada Estate with you as a chap in Ambleside has just bought it and it would save him a trip down to the fens . It's very comfortable, only occasionally chucks all its engine oil out (keep it below 110mph and it's fine !) and suprisingly economical reaching around 13-18 mpg on a good run !....any takers......suit yourself
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Allen - If you haven't already left - have a good weekend and I hope we bump into each other.


24 hours to go before I put the dog in a suitcase - saddle up the car and make my way to the sunny (I hope) Lakes - wha hey - except I have loads to do at work *mad* 🙆🏻

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Allen, if you have a chance and haven't done so before have a gad down Hard Knott Pass (look on your o/s map, off Ambleside I think) it's hilarious.


Boonie, hope you and Mrs B have a good time, (might see you there if I can find my German Shepherd disguise and hide in your suitcase !) Tell Mrs B to try not to break, twist, maul or generally mutilate any part of herself whilst there. Everyone else.......PARTY ROUND AT BOONIE'S HOUSE, BRING JELLY, ICE CREAM AND SAUSSIES ON STICKS *biggrin*

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nb - 😬


We've got round that one this year - Mrs B is pre-broken - surely she can't hurt anything this time.


Hard Knott pass - brilliant fun - accept having to change a tyre on a slope I needed crampons on for in the dark without a torch (only time I took walking gera out of the car) - and Mrs B stepping out of the car only to twist her ankle getting out and me having to hot foot her to A&E

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Yes, did Wrynose and Hardknott pass - fantastic, plus most of the lakes, weather iffy but we made the best of it, thoroughly enjoyed it, clocked up eight hundred and fifty miles. Will do the area again sometime, but hope to go for longer, take the 7 and have better weather (we should be so lucky 😬)


Where were you Boonie? No cleos with roof boxes at all, only saw one German Sheepherd, and that was a seeing eye dog, so, rightly or wrongly assumed it wasn't yours 😬. Stoped for coffee in Ambleside, guess we found the wrong church cos there wasn't a school next to it - not that parking was a problem.


Yeah, good trip *thumbup*


Edited by - allen on 19 May 2003 21:59:14

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Just got back - weather did not improve at all - rain, rain and more rain. Still the dog got round that by spending all her time in one lake or other. In fact had to buy a climbing rope just for her cos she hasn't quite got the idea of returning to shore.


Looked out for you Allen but didn't see you - the church and school are down the side road by Zeferelli's (I'm sure that's not how it's spelt) cinema. Great place for a 7 but not last week.


Still spot Allen's car was a great game to play at the weekend while dashing from cake shop to kit shop and back.

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Hi Boonie,


Glad you had a good trip, shame the weather didn't perk up.


Found Zepherelli's and the church, but no school - perhaps I need the seeing eye dog?


Mind you, we did see something like the Loch Ness Monster, which in retrospect could have been an Alsation on the end of a rope 😬 What is she called?


How's Mrs Boonie's ankle?

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I think I have worked out the missing school problem. Zef etc etc has got new premises down the road near another church *confused*.


If you turn left at the old cinema (opposite the back entrance to Gayner's oh-er) and next to the pedestrian crossing. Then left again by the chip shop - at the bottom of that road there is a church on the left - school on the right and a park in front.


The hound is officially known as Tehya (we didn't name her - but as she was already on her second name we thought it was a bit cruel to give her a third). She also has other names - especially when swimming into the distance across a very large and cold lake.


Mrs B had an injury free holiday - her ankle held up but she was already pre-broken with a bad back from the previous visit to the Lakes. (I'm not explaining that one)


Allen - did you manage to go walking in between the showers and how was the hotel?

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Guest House superb - a GOG reccomendation *thumbup*


Managed a fairly gentle two or three miles round Crummock Water (sp? - one next to Buttermere) light rain, and a few brief forrays from the car, including a walk near Thurlmere and an explore of the roman fort to the west of the hardknot Pass, pretty much in between the showers, plus a few strolls around Keswick, Penryth etc. I used to be a more serious walker, but never a fell walker! Besides, I don't like the taste of Kendal Mint Cake *thumbdown* (Just as well as I like my food and have already put on a bit of weight in the last few years 🙆🏻)


As I said before, sometime we'll go for a week take the 7 and pray for decent weather.

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