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Automotive hypochondria - please help!


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I'm trying to trace a number of noises that come from the rear end of my Supersprint under hard cornering, but I need some clues as to whether the worst of them are serious or not, and what the likely solutions are.


First some background:

The car is a 1992 live axle (Ital), unmodified Supersprint.


I've had the car for 2 years and the noises have only started happening since I changed from 10 year old michelins to Yoko 021Rs - with a noticeable worsening at the last trackday at Brands.


The A-frame bushes are new and haven't affected the noise.


The car rolls a lot in corners, and I am about to heed everyone's advice and fit stiffer springs (300lb front 140lb rear have been suggested by various people).


Redline noticed a small oil leak from the axle onto the O/S rear drum (hasn't affected braking).


Nothing feels loose or clonks / creaks when two people grab the roll bar and vigorously push the car from side to side.


The noises:

1/ Hard cornering to the right produces a big clonk from the nearside rear - this is worse and happens more quickly with a passenger. (I'm hoping this is something to do with bump stops or the upright fouling something, and will be cured by stiffer springs but I'd appreciated second opinions). This seems to be roll speed related.


2/ Hard cornering to the left, off the gas (ie. entering a bend on a trailing throttle but with lots of lateral force, such as a tight left hander) produces a very noticeable mechanical "shrum, shrum, shrum" noise from the offside rear - again, this is worse with a passenger, and is road speed related. I can't hear it when on the throttle, but the exhaust may simply be drowning it out *eek*.



Any ideas, as this is starting to spoil my enjoyment of the car, as I have to keep backing off on corners to stop the noises from happening?


Bob Stark


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The clonk sounds like that old Ital axle chestnut of the half shaft/bearing moving under cornering load. This is VERY well documented on this forum and there are various cures, from shimming behind the bearing to tack welding the bearing in position to stop it moving.

The 'shrum'-'shrum' could be the bearing on its way out or maybe the diff protesting as the oil is thrown away from it under cornering. I believe the generally accepted practice is to overfill the axle for track use.




Bloody thing won't start ☹️

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Bum - I was hoping it wasn't a shimming the axle kind of problem ☹️


If the other side is the bearing, is replacing it easy at the same time as shimming it?


Any recommendations for somewhere close to Maidstone to do the work? I will ask Redline, but they are very booked up. Someone mentioned Len Unwin to me (I believe he's local to Brands Hatch, which would be ideal) - do they do this kind of work? Anyone got a contact number?


Bob Stark


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To be honest, I wouldn't shim it without replacing the bearings at the same time and, indeed, the oil seals which would solve your other problem.


Don't know of anyone near Maidstone I'm afraid but would have thought Redline the best bet from where you are- if you can twist their arm into booking it in sooner rather than later. Trouble is the good ones are always busy!




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