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I am now the proud owner of a pocket PC for work which, I am told, I can use as an MP3 player. But I don't know how ☹️


Any clues would be gratefully received - it's a Dell AXIM if that means anything.


I know, I know I really should learn more about these things but it is all magic I tell you.

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It should play MP3's either from internal memory, or better still a memory card like SD or CF (little slotty in things).


What you need to do is turn some CD's into MP3's, a bit of free software like MusicMatch jukebox will do that just fine. Then transfer it onto the device. You will either be able to do this via the Axim's cradle from you PC, or you can buy CF/CD card readers if you choose that route, and just transfer them onto the card.


IS that what you where after ?

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I've got a wind-up gramaphone in my barn *tongue* much easier to operate *wink*


Mind you, I have managed to get my Road Angel to work *thumbup* and a damned fine piece of safety equipment it is too *cool*

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You need to download a program for playing them:



you need a program for getting them off the CD:

audiograbber.co.uk i think


and a program for making the MP3 itself:

hmmm... might come with audiograbber. might be a called a "codec"


so install that lot. then put a CD in the pooter. then load audiograbber and 'RIP' the CD to hard disk. Then get it to encode it to MP3s (might be able to do this all in one go)


then load the MP3s in winamp - you can load in loads of them and play any you want from the list.


I have my own CDs on MP3 and those I've borrowed off people. if i like it then i buy the CD. if i don't it just sits unloved on the HD....


HOOPY 500 kg (and soon) 200 bhp R706KGU

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Thanks Hoopy - I'll start downloading. So far dancing round it and sacrificing a cucumber hadn't worked. I knew I could turn to Shedders for help - you must have listened in Computer Class.


FH - I tried linking the wax cylinder to the thing but apart rom catching a few insects it didn't seem to work.

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Audiograbber is cool though, I still use it for ripping "bits" of CD's for loops. Trouble is now that the MP3 people have gotten huffy about the (illegal) use of the Fraunhoffer codec, a lot of the good stuff of old doesn't have the codec anymore due to copyright problems, so end up having to use the bigger companies stuff rather than the shareware, which is a bit sad.


Oops, bit serious *tongue* .... BUM !

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