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O/T room tuning for hifi setup

Sheds Moderator

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Whats wrong with an MC30 in an SME S3?

Well, the S3 isn't a good arm full stop, and is mechanically incompatible with most/all MC carts. The current expensive SME arms are more suitable for MC carts but aren't ideal for an LP12 due to their lardiness. Something like a second hand Linn Akito or Ittok would be a good starting point.


I actually had a Systemdek before the LP12 and in all honesty it was a better turntable - less prone to acoustic feedback.

This might indicate other issues. If you can detect 'acoustic feedback' with any competent turntable then you have an installation or setup problem.


I even had half of my record collection on Mobile Fidelity "Original Sound Recording" albums..... Sadly REO Speedwagon was never recorded on such media, (but Led Zep was......)

Down down, deeper on down.


Is there actually any example of a MFSL LP that is a musical improvement on the original? IMLE they're all audio-weenie fetish items...



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If I could summarise your post, basically you're stating that Arnie is an audio-weenie fetishist with poorly-matched equipment that is badly setup ?


Marvellous stuff, he'll be so relieved to know his problem is at least defined even if no obvious cure exists. 😬


Smokin Joe, I'm fully prepared to believe the percieved bit rate of vinyl can be a lot higher than CD. My point was that if you use all this supposed extra bandwidth to store an analog conversion of a digital signal that is at a bit rate much lower, then you'll only ever reproduce whatever the DAC output.





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I had the same problems when we went woodflooring everywhere. 2 large rugs and it better.

I am considering some wall hanging. Don't think Marie would go for a sail in the lounge.


I built my own Triode push pull 20W class A valve amp as part of a group at work bulk chassis and kit build.

That amp is amazing. Tested them against the best Krell could offer and the guy with the Krells put them on the market there and then...

I run a MF CD player and Monitor Audio speakers. The amp controls the bass so well that I could take all of the ballast needed with the very expensive MF tranny amps I had been using. Result, deeper bass, excellent control and better sound. I tried to play bass in a band for a while so I like a good bass line.


The above also plays Britney and Barbie girl pretty ofter thanks to my kids but does it with a rich powerful sound so that that rubbish is almost pleasant *confused*


My racing pics, 7 DIY, race prep. Updated often here

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Edited by - stevefoster on 13 May 2003 08:32:04

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Count 'I think vinyl bores are up there with clamshell owners'.


Yeah well I've got clams and lp's (lots of 'em) regularly spun on a nice little Pink triangle.


I only buy second hand classical LP's nowadays though, everything else I buy is either CD and DVD. Just that an original 'Sticky fingers' say sounds fantastic on original LP and utterly flat and a waste of time on 'Nice price' CD.


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I love vinyl and have no clamshells, sounds like the start of a song to me.


Don't forget a lot of vinyl never made it to cd an artists work is lost on the next generation because of a marketing decision mmm sort of like if Caterham adopted creature comforts and replaced the 7! maybe not so O/T afterall



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We could take this further O/T and develop the analogue vs digital argument into photography! Having moved recently from classic 35mm Pentax Spotmatics, to Olympus Digital, there's plenty of scope for debate, I reckon (and yes, I do have clamshells!)
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At a practical physical level film is 'digital' or rather 'quantised', so the analogy breaks down. Vinyl isn't quantised in an audible way, it reaches its limit in different areas...


FWIW I've been very surprised how usable 10x8 prints are from our cheapo 2 MegaPixel Fuji snap shot job.


Tube amps on the other hand cost more to make than silicon, cost more to run, cost more to maintain and even then don't qualify as 'hifi'.



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What's this about Clamshells ??

Original Lotus Series 1 came with Cycle fenders.. But popular demand (a desire for a more "Fashionable Look" ? *wink* soon resulted in the Cycle fenders being discontinued.. for several decades actually.. untill revived fairly recently.

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