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War on Olives

Mrs Mav

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Hi ya Miss Mav


There is an evil shop in one of Cambridge's alleys - don't be fooled by it's name - The Cheese Shop. It also sells an extensive range of olives which are displayed in pots so you can try them.


I think it's a conspiracy to draw people into their evil olive eating ways.



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There is a shop near here that only sells things made out of olives ...


I have some Sevillian Sweet Olive Oil biscuits *smile*


Mrs Noger once got very, very drunk in a wine bar in Covent Garnden. All she had to eat all night were some herbed olives. At the table next to her were a group of, people of, er, s0d it, drwarves (applogies for not knowing the right PC term).


She felt soooooooo bad that night and the next day, that she has been put right off olives and, er, persons of restricted, er them, every since *confused*


p.s. are chicken legs like chicken wings. If so, why isn't he SHARING *tongue*

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There's nothing wrong with my Spitfire young man, it's a cracking little bird puller. My flatcap and stringback gloves drive 'em wild too but I have to lay off the booze when I want to drive it, I can't stay dry for too long ☹️


Who'll help me finisih the last drop of rusty nail ?



That's better


Toodle pip boys & GIRLS, see you next week, and don't do anything I wouldn't do over the weekend, or if you do then don't get caught


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Ok so not olives


Still on the list






Wine - red, white & sparkling


Beer - lager, Bitter & Guinness

A large selection of mixers



Hand rolled (inner thigh naturally) Cuban cigars

Pipe tobacco

Hand rolling tobacco - Old shag naturally


Cardboard to make roaches

Weed - fron both Pakistan & Lebanon

Silly hats

Party poppers

Spray string

Party bags


Portable cupboards for postmans knock (in case there are not enough in your bungalow)

A picture of a tail less donkey - for the obvious

A number of chairs for musical chairs

Some blind folds for pin the tail....

Some handcuffs for other *games*

A gross of condoms

Vaseline - 5 litres should be enough

KY - similar amount

Baby oil 10 litres

A large inflatable paddling pool (to keep the greasy stuff off the carpet)

Another pool

Mud for the above

A selection of bikinis and thongs for those that have arrived without suitable attire

The entire stock of your nearest Anne Summers shop (can you let me know where the most convienient one is please)

A selection of special literature mostly from the top shelf but also DH Lawrence and a number of copies of the Karma Sutra

A number of pin hole cameras for secreting about the place (how many toilets do you have?)


Please let me know where you live and what time the lorry should be arriving so that you can take delivery. I will also be inviting your neighbours and some other special friends from the local massage establishment (Mav has already told me where that is)


Ding Dong, I can't wait *wink* 😳 *eek* 😬

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Ok so nothing to smoke


I'd forgotten about food so the new list is as follows







Hoola Hoops

Wine - red, white & sparkling

Large cream cake


Cheesy nibbles

Beer - lager, Bitter & Guinness

A large selection of mixers

Sausage rolls


Chicken pies

Silly hats

Party poppers

Steak & Kidney pies

Spray string

Snake & Pygmy pies

Party bags


Portable cupboards for postmans knock (in case there are not enough in your bungalow)

Steak & ale pies

A picture of a tail less donkey - for the obvious

A number of chairs for musical chairs

Cornish pasties

Some blind folds for pin the tail....

Some handcuffs for other *games*

A gross of condoms

Cumberland sausages

Vaseline - 5 litres should be enough

KY - similar amount

Baby oil 10 litres

A large inflatable paddling pool (to keep the greasy stuff off the carpet)

Another pool

Mud for the above

Toulouse Sausages

A selection of bikinis and thongs for those that have arrived without suitable attire

Hungarian Game sausages

The entire stock of your nearest Anne Summers shop (can you let me know where the most convienient one is please)

Shepherds Pies

A selection of special literature mostly from the top shelf but also DH Lawrence and a number of copies of the Karma Sutra

A number of pin hole cameras for secreting about the place (how many toilets do you have?)


Ding dong


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