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Engine oil: running-in, first oil change etc.

Tony C

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I know this is a VERY controversial subject and I wouldn't like anyone to think I am recomending any particular method.


My 7 is off for its PBC today and I took it for a run early this morning - "Honest officer, I was just bedding-in the brakes". Following certain running-in suggestions, I gave it "some welly", both accelerating and letting it overrun, in all gears. Didn't go over 5,000, well maybe once 😬. Ran it for about 20 miles, bedding in the brakes at the same time, then did an oil (GTX £9.99 for 5 ltr) and filter change.


The oil seemed to contain VERY fine metalic dust. I couldn't feel it by rubbing it between my fingers and haven't yet checked whether it's ferous or not. The contents of the oil filter was more concentrated. On the whole, I'm glad I carried out this procedure. What the long term result will be - who knows?


The theory is that, not killing the engine, but not babying it either, for the first 20 miles really lets the combustion pressure seat the rings against the bore walls and beds them in properly. The non sythetic oil is less slippery and aids this process. The quick oil and filter change is to get rid of the "carp". It looks to have worked - assuming the dust was bore and ring steel and not somthing more sinister - powdered engine anyone?


BRG SV 😬 Boxes empty, car full *thumbup*

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After seeing how much swarf and bits of alloy were in my new engine when I stripped it down (having never being run before this point) I have to say that I am not at all suprised at the tale above.

It would appear that the Rover engineers had a "momentary lapse of good engineering practice" whilst assembling it.A Friday afternoon before a Bank Holiday engine if ever there was one...

The Cylinder Head was 10/1000 thicker at one end than the other,Big end bearings were fitted the wrong way round,they also had bits embedded in them,Crank bearings were scored and badly marked,The cam journals were misbored etc etc etc.

I found a bit of swarf about 3/4" long in the water jacket down the side of a cylinder and the number of casting flashes which just came off with finger pressure was frightening.

I am NOT happy with the standard of assembly and I have an ongoing issue with Rover on this matter.

The amount of people who have commented on their oil having bits in it even up until the 3rd or 4th oil changes,in an engine which is supposed to (in its fitment in a normal Rover vehicle) go 10,000 miles between services beggars belief,I can't imagine how much damage would have occured if the original oil had been left in there for that many miles.

I suppose the moral of the story is to change the oil frequently,it's cheaper than replacing the broken bits in the long term.

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Dangled a strong magnet and nothing significant attached, just the merest black trace which could have been immagination, so I guess the effluent was not ferous.


Rather out than in though - in this case. 😬


BRG SV 😬 Boxes empty, car full *thumbup*

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