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spraying inside of chassis tubes


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Tried a few ideas to spray Waxoyl into a slightly enlarged pop rivet hole (to treat the inside of the chassis tubes) but although I have made a tube up that sprays I am finding it imposible to get the tube in and out properly or very far along the chassis tubes.

Apart from either filling the tubes full or removing every rivet I can't find a successful solution. Using Dinitrol that is quite fluid. It is not the spraying it is an access problem.

Only other idea is WD40 with a very thin and longer tube *confused*

PS: And does anyone know who sells 2mm od rigid plastic tube? Using 4mm at the moment. This might solve it.


Richard in France

with a yellow rolling chassis, Duratec engine and most parts to complete 😬 *thumbup* 😬 😬

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I use it in model aircraft. Go to your nearest good model shop and get a "snake inner", and no, it's not part of a real snake. Failing that, if you can't get it, I've got an excellent shop just down the road that has it. it's only a few pence, e-mail me your address and I'll put some in the post. it usually come in 36" lenghts.


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what do you fly? I am ''into'' slope soarers. Currently building Chris Foss' Phase 6, in the middle of lightweight glass/epoxy resin coating all surfaces, whilst waiting for a new clutch cable and rear anti-roll bar bushes from Caterham. Loads of lift inducing hills around the Vale of Clwyd.


Malcolm Hickey


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I fly pretty much most things. Lots of slopers, got some nice moulded stuff. Heli's and powered. Have you seen some nutter in QFI with a huge 747 and Canberra?, well, that's me. Have been on sloping hols to S.wales, some monster slopes there, just north of Bridgend, what a week that was 😬. Glassing huh? wht a pain in the ass that is, great finish tho, you gonna spray it or leave it "natural"?


Seek forgiveness, not permission.

Is it easy to rob a bank and get away with it???

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Thanks Ric,

Will try a model shop in France. If no luck I will take your kind offer up. Thanks.


PS: I have been hi-jacked *eek*. Is this the hidden place for secret model enthuiasts to chat 😬 🤔


Richard in France

with a yellow rolling chassis, Duratec engine and most parts to complete 😬 *thumbup* 😬 😬

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Hi Richard

Blatchat seems to be the approved place to hide for model aircraft anoraks, hifi bores (cough) and all manner of techy toys enthusiasts. We'd better be careful, before there is a dawn raid and computers get impounded, with subsequent charges of "taking too close an interest in matters technical as applied to hobbies and pastimes" 😳


Good to see you last weekend, thanks for the invitiation. I made it back to Saumur around 12.30 so it was ok, nothing much was on the roads. Other than coppers, that is, the place was crawling with them out for double time on the Jour ferié. BTW, signed for the house yesterday, Se7en may be down here within the month, all being well. *thumbup*


WRT the chassis rails, I have yet to see an ideal solution. Thin the Waxoyl down, that helps. Other than that if you really want to be sure, thin it right down and flood the tubes. Could be messy though, esp with your car being all but finished as far as a rolling chassis goes.





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My local motor factors sometimes stock Waxoil in areosol cans. These come with a tube narrow enough to fit in a drilled out rivet hole, and seems to provide a reasonable cover inside the tube - I sprayed in alternate holes until it leaked out the ones I didn't spray in.

If you want me to try and get you some next time you are over let me know, and we'll see you at Chiddingley once again.


Dave H

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Dave - Thanks for the kind offer. Will see if I can solve it first with my next invention 😬. Hope to visit you one day soon.


Steve - Here's to our new area meet in 49. Don't tell too many of those members across the water *wink*


Richard in France

with a yellow rolling chassis, Duratec engine and most parts to complete 😬 *thumbup* 😬 😬

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