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Oil analysis

Pierre Gillet

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Back from a two day track session at the Bugatti circuit, Le Mans, I am envisaging to have an oil analysis made to check if the engine has (not) suffered from the long right handers that would bring the oil pressure down from 4.2 bars to 2.5 bars. Pressure would be back to 4.2 bars in the straights. Oil temperature was 90°C. Engine is 1.6 K 115 bhp . Oil is 5W50. No Appollo tank.

Question: is it worth being done at 20 € +, or should I just forget it and install an Appollo tank without discussions?



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Before you do any more trackdays get an Apollo tank - minimum. If the gauge was reading 2.5Bar then I doubt that it was being truly accurate, I wouldn't be surprised if it was just being slow and the real pressure was bouncing from near 0 to 4.5Bar as the pump pulled in air then oil etc.


For 20 Grotes the oil analysis may be useful, peace of mind I suppose but dont hold too much faith in the results they can sometimes be misleading



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Also, if you do have your oil analysis results back, how will you interpret them? Do you have a control set of results? Untill someone starts to log a trend of normal then leading to wear, it won't return too much info, as Bob correctly says.

We use oil analysis on our Jetrangers at the request of a major petrochemical co we contract to, but we are( as far as i believe) the first in the UK to do it.So, we are building a trend, and in time it will be a useful tool indeed, but the first result?. pretty useless.

The Cossie engine is proving huge fun btw Bob!

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I look after a number of large engines for a living and have the oil tested every 10 day(240 constant running hours).A valuable tool if used correctly.a one off test will give you a baseline set of readings but will only be of any real use if you intend to keep up with regular periodic testing.A one off test will probable scare you to death!


Cpt B 😳

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I was very pleased with the oil analyses (2 of) I had done on my R500 oil, when I was trying to work out quite how knacked the engine was. It was tested against new oil as a control and both commentaries I got were quite close to what was found in the rebuild.



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Oil analysis can be extremely useful but as some posters suggest, it's best as a trend analysis tool (you'd need the fresh oil tested too).


However it would be able to spot something impending and fairly serious.


I can help out anyone with interpretation, recomended labs and tests etc.. as I do this for a living !

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