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hoopys counting thread

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Ahhhh, Cooper Nut, that takes me back to my College days, blagging test drives of anything interesting during lunchbreaks.


Two plooky 19 year-olds appearing in an old Mini didn't carry much credibility for the better garages though...





Very Black 6spd SuperSport *wink*

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Two plooky 19 year-olds appearing in an old Mini didn't carry much credibility for the better garages though...


Teehee. Simon and I did go to a BMW garage one lunch break in Simons red metro. Blagged a test drive in a New Mini Cooper *thumbup*. We had only just passed our tests not half a year previously, too 😬!




Edited by - Peardrop on 16 Apr 2003 21:37:36

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Rossybee. I lived in Blairgowrie for a couple of years around 1989 when I worked in Dundee!


I had a 7 on order all the way back then but it failed to materialise since a house sale fell through that was going to help fund it. It was within two weeks of delivery when I cancelled the order Aluminium with red flared wings and a crossflow engine - I wonder who got my car???.


I used to go to sleep imagining driving it to Glenshee and back. It never did happen but one day I'll do that *smile*



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Hoopy/Rossybee - I think I should clarify *smile* - I DO have a Seven now, 190bhp 1.6K, I've had it for three years


The one ordered/cancelled in Blairgowrie would have been my first and I was looking forward to driving it up Glenshee but it never happened.


Rossybee, I worked in Veeder-Root the tachograph manufacturer, I think they're called Stoneridge Electronics now. *thumbup*



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Hands over a package of sausages


Also I could decorate the sheds with these ballons I found just out the back - there are only two though and they come in individual packets *confused*


I often find them in the morning behind the bikesheds - somebody must have a hole in their pocket *confused*

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😳 *eek*


Lets not go there, although I did see a bigger boy buying some funny balloons as the barbers once, I heard him say that he was planning to give them away to a thing called a slapper - I guess that a slapper is some sort of party, anyway it sounded a lot of fun as his mates laughed a lot

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