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H-D engines in 7 style cars

Perforated Paul

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Has anybody tried fitting a Harley-Davidson bike engine in a '7' style car ? I wanna know cos I dont like the idea of a revvy Jap bike engine with no torque. H-D engines rev about the same as car engines (7-9,000 rpm) and push out high levels of torque. Plus they can be tuned to give stupid power/torque levels, are light, slim and cheaper to tune than Jap engines. Please let me know if its been done, and if so, can you supply me with a web site address with more details ? Cheers all. 😬
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The main problem would be the transmission. H-Ds are belt primary drive to a transverse gearbox which also incorporates the clutch. Belt (or chain) to a rear pulley or sprocket. So you either have the belt secondary drive going down the transmission tunnel to a rear pulley on the diff, and independent rear end(very like a bike engined single seater) or you use a different gearbox. Problem with the latter would be the provision for a clutch. Problem with the former would be a narrow footwell on the passenger side.


Actually, sounds like a bloody good idea!... You'd need plenty of airflow around the cylinders though as it's air cooled.



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Dearest Paul


You are obviously living in a world that is not known to me. Harleys are crap. They are usually ridden by handbag toting nincompoops who are living under the impression that they are real men. Wake up and smell the coffee. When have Harley Davidson ever won anything? Maybe the IOM TT in 1903 or thereabouts. Maybe there was a lack of entries that year. My privately entered Moto Guzzi beat a factory Harley. The VR 1000 was supposed to be a Superbike and couldn't even win a Battle of the Twins race. This come from a person that doesn't even have that high an opinion of Moto Guzzis.


The 883 Harleys in the one make race series used to make 61 bhp and fall apart on a regular basis. They had a one make series becuase they couldn't win anything if put with other bikes. A Harley engine is good as a doorstop or boat anchor. Due to their awkward shape they are not really even suited to this but will do at a pinch if no other piece of heavy useless crap is readily available.


Not a direct attack on you Paul. You have been obviously been mixing with the wrong crowd.


As for the idea of putting one of these antiquated,pushrod operated, long stroke abortions in a Seven ask yourself one question: what would Colin Chapman have said? Would it have been "Jeez, that's a great idea. Get Willie Davidson on the 'phone straight away". I think not.


So it makes a great "potato, potato, potato" sound when you pull away. It doesn't mean that it could make a Seven go a hundred miles an hour.


Paul. If you are a first time poster don't let me put you off coming here again. I'm just in a funny sort of mood this evening. I've just come back from the British Superbike races at Snetterton where the bikes make a genuine 195 bhp and I have no time for this nonsense.


Paul, you're not American are you? As for perforated, where exactly?


Just because you finished witha smilie I will too, just to prove that I'm not that bad after all.




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Dear AMMO, I think a 3 litre Merch engine would be OK when it comes to pushing a 550kg car along. Anyway, thanx 4 the input. And "NO", I'm not a yank, its just ive seen too many Jap "rockets" left for dead by well ridden H-D's at various "do's", but thats by the by.


Where am I perforated ? 25mm hole in right ear, 3 tongue piercings *biggrin*, both nipples, an 8mm PA ring 😬 and a 4mm Ampallang (And if you have 2 ask, u probly dont wanna know.


If u know, cos uv got em, good man 😬

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Given the correct financial incentives I could be swayed. It would, however, take an awful lot of money (we are talking millions), remuneration in kind by a person or persons deemed acceptable to me or some of that stuff Perforated Paul is taking (for resale, not personal use).




Just accept it was silly idea, say sorry, and it will never me mentioned again. I promise.



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Purley Paul.


We were obviously posting at the same time. I''m not into piercings myself but have friends who are into it.


If you are ever in this neck of the woods look me up. We can share a few beers and take the piss out of each other. A most agreeable pastime. You're OK (apart form the Harley business). *thumbup*



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Look up Larry Webb at PDQ in Taplow near Slough. He is a V-Max specialist and Caterham owner. Might fit the bill.


However, V-Maxes aren't that cheap and getting a bit old. Could I interest you in a nice Duratec engine? Has Henry Ford's name on it. He was a Yank, just like Mister Harley and Mister Davidson. 😬 😬 😬



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*smile*AMMO, Messrs Harley and Davidson were actually both Scottish. Just thought I should correct your obvious ignorance on the subject *smile*

Anyway, you should be into body piercing, its good for you. Makes you cum much harder too *cool*

Take care dude, and good luck with your Duratec project




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Single 4mm Amp. Not trans-foreskin, circumsised u c. The PA is an AWESOME piercing, highly recommended. Check out www.perforations.com or .co.uk, I can never remember. This is my piercers website, based down in Brighton. Probly the best piercer in the SE of England. Website is brilliant too.


I understand that piercing is not 4 evry1, but then nor r Duratec lumps 😬


Anyway, i'm away 2 bed. Take care dude, Paulus

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Just in case this is degenerating into a forum for people who enjoy poking holes in themselves, in which case chacun à son goût, but excuse me if I lose interest, the original posting was re engines for torque. I recommend a larger inline 4, say Vauxhall, since this is a known quantity in a Caterham. Fit it with a softer cam than it had in the SRi and the 165bhp 16v, say the std. 2L out of the repmobile, and you would have enough torque to drive at 15mph in top. OK, you only have 115 bhp on tap, but you get them much sooner, and if your driving style is relaxed you will get more performance from an engine like this than a hotter one.


Compare and contrast - my Dad took out my 1.4kss and said it was OK, a bit flat and down on performance from his experience of 7s in the 60s. Why? Because in spite of my protestations he changed up at 3000rpm, like he does in his Omega 2.5 V6. Then we swapped seats and had a run between 4 and 7000rpm. He was speechless. It's horses for courses, and my Dad would hate the 1.4 because he dislikes revving engines for fear they will blow up as they did in his youth.


Maybe he needs one with a Land Rover engine in it. *smile*

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V Max would work. Been done before in various 3 and 4 wheelers. Shaft drive which lends itself to a car application, although you're going through 2 bevel drives which can sap a little power. Good compromise between high revving in-line multi and H-D?


Sounds sh*t-hot too!




(only one perforation- me eardrum!)

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Bet you get the same response - on the BEC list we're all into those wimpy no torque jap efforts.


I'm up the road in Croydon, and I'd offer to demonstrate the torque of a Fireblade lump, but the car's in bits again after an eventful trip to Brands yesterday :-(


Join up on the BEC list tho, there's much useful info about engine choices being discussed right now.



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well what you could do is fit two wings either side of the cockpit, a rudder and chitty-chitty bang-bang is born. it's a 3rd of a plane engine anyway, so it might work...potato-potato bang-bang ...umm..bangers and mash anyone? 😬
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Soft cams don't give "more torque". That is an old superstition. You are on the right track with engine capacity though as torque is principally determined by the size of the engine. A 1.2 litre 4 valve per cylinder design might at best produce 115lbft of torque (the rule of thumbe about 96lbft per litre) but you would need 280 degree duration cams and tuned inlet and exhaust. No reason why this wouldn't be driveable though. A cooking vauxhall is probably way down at the 50-60lbft/litre level and its cams are best used as weapons in close quarter combat.


Now if you are talking about where the torque is delivered in the rev range then I am right with you...


Thinking about it, I can't really see the point of twins. They are out of balance (unless you have balancer shafts) and the bigger reciprocating parts apply an effective rev limit for the bottom end. I can see that they could have packaging advantages and the low revs mean you can get away with a pushrod valvetrain, but that's it as far as I am concerned.

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