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Why have my headlight stopped working ?


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First post build problem 🙂

My headlights dont work any more.  The dash lights dont work either.  But the headlight flasher and indicators work.

So I imagine its a fuse right ? Given both lights (main and dipped) stopped and the flasher, brake lights and indicators all work.  So its probably not my dodgy wiring.

But when I pulled all the fuses out, non seemed to be broken.  Do I need to look harder ? Anyone got a map of which fuse does what, so I can stick it inside the fuse box for next time.

Is it a relay ?

Am I destined to just use the car in the daylight now 🙂


Anyway, the sun is out so Im heading for a 1000 miles in the first week !

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a few points when my stop working:-

  • IS it all lights (dipped, full beam and side) - - each are on different fused circuits
  • If all, or just side lights working, maybe the  switch - Take out and pull apart and and keen up all contacts, could also be  a connection on the full beam/dip switch
  • In cases when it was just dip or main beam not working, check behind the fuse box, as you may find on of the contacts or wires has popped out
  • Also  check the earth.

I find it's usual a combination of the above

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Sorry, on a small screen. 

There’s a very recent thread with my suggested diagnostic pathway, which includes measuring voltage at the main light switch. Pls can someone add a link. 

Layout of fuses and relays is in the  Owner’s Handbook. But beware variations. Map your own to be certain: it will save time. 


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Its all the headlights, which now looking at the owners handbook fuse instructions, I see is on two different circuits.

So I will have a fiddle around the back of the switch first.  I can also have a look for the annoying indicator buzzer and tape it up while Im ferreting about behind the dash.

In the meantime I need to update my insurance, there is no way Im going to do just 2000 miles a year.  I've done 200 already today and its only 3pm.  I've had the car for two weekends and put 800 miles on it 🙂

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2 hours ago, Ainsley said:

Thanks for the link, I will go through it and hopefully it will shed some light on my problem 🙂

but not initially from your headlights... *getmecoat*

best of luck getting a fix (given the flashers work, I’d discount fuse or relay but look at the main switch as the issue)

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Yeah, I suppose as the dip, main and dash lights are all on separate fuses its probably a switch issue.

The flasher working means there is power to the lights, so its not an issue with me wiring up the lights that has failed.

I will sit in the car upside down with my head under the dash and fiddle with the switches tonight.

On a separate thought - given its not likely to be a build issue, would this not be a warranty issue and I can just get Caterham to fix it for me ?

That would save time and effort on my part.  Id rather now be thrashing the tyres off it not fiddling with it in the garage.

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22 minutes ago, Ainsley said:

I will sit in the car upside down with my head under the dash and fiddle with the switches tonight.

For me, that's a sure-fire recipe for a ruptured back (or something).  You might find it more comfortable just to remove the switch(es) from the dashboard.

Good luck with the detective work.


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I've also bought some nice LED headlights, perhaps I should just throw money at the problem and get someone to fit them and fix the problem.

While its still daylight I want to spend my time driving, not fiddling 🙂

Looking at the weather forecast however, I may as well fiddle tonight and tomorrow night.

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2 hours ago, Ainsley said:

I will sit in the car upside down with my head under the dash and fiddle with the switches tonight.

You can sometimes get a good look with a smart ‘phone’s camera and screen. 

And I’d definitely identify and fix the problem before changing the lamp unit.


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