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how bored am I?


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There, there. That should bring a burp to your face *tongue*


If anyone's bored next week, they can come up and see me *wink* 'cos Mr FH is away for four whole days ☹️ and I'll be lonely as well as bored ☹️ ☹️ ☹️



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yes, so bored that I will be scabbing off work at 4pm and going home to sleep.

if you call round and make my pedal car work, you can have it*


proper job would help... all this one does is make me bored, very bored.


thanks FH *smile*

I will be bored next week, that is without question, but I will more than likely be here and bored, rather than there and not bored. ☹️


* arbitrary restrictions decided on a whim by me apply to this offer





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The depressing thing is -- This is your only life!


I seem to spend mine wishing away 5/7ths of it (Mon-Fri)


Ah, well, only 30 years to retirement...


Kev (Bored and depressed)


😬You laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you're all the same. 😬


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Watch out Moom *eek* They're out to get you here *eek* *eek*


Boonie, I don't drink gin in my tea; I prefer the English Breakfast variety with a little milk or Lapsong Souchong with a slice of lemon *wink* Sorry 'bout your wife ☹️ Hope she feels better after the gin 😬



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Kev, you're right. it increases the desire to say sod-it (sorry Miss R) and go be a gardener or something. it's not a rehearsal is it? right, I'll kill five minutes looking for a new job!


Boonie, the problem appears to be that I took it to bits and haven't put it back together again *eek* I was hoping to fire her up this weekend, but I found some oil trying to escape and that might not be too easy to fix. it'll be working again soon though I hope.





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Perhaps we should have a Bikeshed job swap 🤔


Moomin - if I put your car together then I get to drive it - ummmmm - I'll be round with some sellotape and bluetack.


FH - Tea we can do but how about 20 year old malt whisky? Mrs Boonie's pretty peeved cos it means she can't even walk our dog. Just over a year ago she spent a couple of months in hospital - a couple of weeks of that in intensive care and pretty close to not making it out alive - so she gets really hacked off when she's ill.


To make matters worse I sneezed last night and hurt my back *mad*

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i don't want to wish away 5/7th of it. I've got lots of nice things happening soon. ITs just that today is so boring in comparison....


Except DanB delivered some nice rivnuts half an hour ago *smile*


Marathon: this sunday


Work Birthday: 16th April


Cadence: Over the easter weekend I'm going to Miss FH's other school for special people with Emma. I'm going with Emma. its not a school for people who have contracted an Emma. Although such people are allowed to go.


Official Birthday: APril 23rd with Uni mates


Se7ens Birthday: April 30th at the north london meet


Racing: My dad is racing at Donnington on May 5th. (In the Chevron B8 for those interested)


Ireland: from may 14th wednesday night to may 27th Tuesday morning I'm on holiday with Emma, my seven and mostly in ireland 😬. Mr Moomin will be there some of the time too *smile*


Le mans: mid June


Italy / se7ens.net trip: 2nd half of July


HOOPY 500 kg (and soon) 200 bhp R706KGU

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Please pass on my commiserations to Mrs Boonie.... I'd hate to be stuck in bed when I didn't want to be there 😳 *tongue* *wink*

Post your dog on up here and I'll take it/her/him for a walk with the GR's *cool*




Got to pop out and stock up on Ribena now *eek* *cool* 😬

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