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Speedo stopped working - K series mechanical drive

Nick Bassett

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  • Area Representative

On my way to the mapping company a few weeks ago the speedo gave a few wobbly readings and then promptly died on me! Miles driven no longer increase either.

Car is a 2000 SLR with a mechanical speedo drive off the gearbox.

What should I be checking and in what order? I've got a few ideas of my own, but wanted to get some thoughts from here!



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Technical Guide: "Speedometers"

It could be the drive, the cable or the instrument.

I'd start by inspecting the drive and the connection to the cable. And the connection of the cable to the instrument.

You can test the cable and instrument by spinning the inner cable with an electric drill.


Edited by Jonathan Kay
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  • Area Representative

Good advice - thanks JK.

I've been advised that if it's the drive that's the problem, it's an engine/gearbox out job - is that the case? Really hoping not, having been through this earlier this year!

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5 minutes ago, Tony P said:

I have half of this problem...

Mechanical speedo, driven from gearbox; speedometer works, odometer and trip don't. I'm assuming (for now) that this is a problem with the instrument.

Has anyone had, or solved, this problem? 

I'd also conclude that the fault is in the instrument.

(With the trip only not working I'd explore the trip reset button and cable.)

Speedometer and Instrument Repairs



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Mine started being temperamental nearly ten years ago but then made a slow recovery. The needle would drop to zero and the odometer would stop clocking up. After ten minutes or so it would burst back into life and would work fine for hours or weeks. It must of been at least two years since it last played up. I couldn't find anything wrong but it seemed to be worse on hot sunny days. That could be coincidence as the car does more miles on hot sunny days but I can't remember a problem during Winter months.

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Might be worth disconnecting from the Speedo end to see if the ‘drive’ turns when driving. I managed to remove and replace at the gearbox end without doing anything other than swearing plenty whilst under the car. It was fiddly but then again I am rubbish so probably made more of a meal of it than others.  

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  • 3 months later...
  • Area Representative

So an update from my end.

Finally got round to having a look at this - removed the angle drive from the gearbox and disconnected the speedo cable. 

1. Attached the speedo internal cable to a drill and switched on. Speedo arm went round the dial, so cable and dial etc would seem to be serviceable.

2. Cleaned up quill and inserted it into it's hole that goes into the side of g'box. Rotated the rear road wheel by hand whilst under car and the quill also rotated in it's home which suggests the gubbins in the gearbox is also serviceable.

This only leaves the angle drive. I've read on here that the quill can be sensitive to where/how it's inserted etc and that just cleaning, lubricating and putting it all back together might fix the issue... fingers crossed.

I've also looked into the cost of replacing the angle drive, if that is the problem. Was shocked to see they are £220! Are they a Caterham specific part?

Mine is marked as follows: BG2420-01 with '3708' underneath the first ID, although Google has failed to find it online. Any thoughts?


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  • Area Representative
18 minutes ago, Jonathan Kay said:

Thanks for the update.

Burton Power have a right-angled drive at £117.50 including VAT.

My guess is that you won't need it...


Thanks Jonathan… I did find that Burton page but wasn’t sure if it was the correct drive as the 6 speed box wasn’t mentioned. They are also out of stock!

I hope you’re right! 👍🙂


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  • 1 month later...
  • Area Representative

An update... not all positive I'm afraid.

1. Last weekend I carefully refitted all removed parts and inserted a new quill into the existing angle drive. A short drive showed that the speedo still wasn't working.

2. After doing a bit more research I decided that an angle drive being sold by MOSS (part number 120694) was identical and significantly cheaper at £52.70, so after checking dimensionally the two ends matched mine (c. 19mm) I purchased one - arrived today. Looks good quality (better than mine in fact), but... sadly the quill is about 0.5mm thicker and the speedo cable inner, when inserted was just too small to be driven by the drive - pah! So for anyone with a similar issue in the future that's reading this, don't bother buying part number 120694 even though it looks correct. MOSS were very helpful though I have to say!

3. Next up I inserted my fresh, correctly sized quill into my existing angle drive, attached the speedo cable and spun the quill up with a drill on a low speed setting. Amazed to see that the speedo gauge functioned and showed 'speed'!

4. I'm now at a loss as to while the speedo is not working when full assembled! I should add that I have inserted the quill directly into gearbox and spun the rear wheels while lying underneath the car, and the quill turns in the gearbox, so the drive in the gearbox would seem to be serviceable.

Any thoughts from others would be very welcome!

Also, are there any other sources for the speedo drives? The cheapest I've found is £220 which seems like a crazy price for something that is near identical from MOSS but at less than quarter of that price! I don't mind paying a bit more to support Caterham specialists of course, but that price seems extortionate to me!

My car had a new one fitted by Chris Wheeler at the 7 Workshop back in 2010 and the price charged was only about £70 - surely prices haven't increased that much have they?!! Also what has happened to Chris Wheeler /7 Workshop - I was hoping to call him to get some advice, but can't find him online or the company?



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  • Area Representative

Sorry, Jonathan yes I meant other than Burton. 

Caterham and 7 & Classics clearly get them from somewhere, I just wondered where I could source an OE part from?

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42 minutes ago, Nick Bassett said:

Also what has happened to Chris Wheeler /7 Workshop - I was hoping to call him to get some advice, but can't find him online or the company?

Uncle Albert has retired, is well and enjoying two new knees!

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Final update (I hope!)

Everything back together and speedo working - massive relief!  *cloud9*

It would seem the angle drive was actually OK, it was the original worn quill that was the culprit. Why it didn't work last week, I'm not completely sure, however a friend helped me fit the circlip properly on Friday so that the drive was properly snug against the g'box and I think that made all the difference.

Happy days! 🙂

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2 minutes ago, Nick Bassett said:

It would seem the angle drive was actually OK, it was the original worn quill that was the culprit. Why it didn't work last week, I'm not completely sure, however a friend helped me fit the circlip properly on Friday so that the drive was properly snug against the g'box and I think that made all the difference.

Thanks for adding the outcome, and it's good to hear that it's working.

I was about to suggest axial loading on the right-angle drive as all of the bits seemed OK but they didn't work when put together. But it was a busy weekend.

Have fun


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for reference, these might be the manufacturers of the drives that Burton sell.  https://www.speedograph-richfield.com/shop/angle-drives/rgb1030

I imagine that Burton are out of stock as there are quite a few varieties and they are probably made to order.

Unfortunately I can only recount that Speedograph Richfield's service is woefully slow.  9 weeks and counting waiting for a right angle drive and speedo cable!

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