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New website - feedback and ideas


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A minor non-urgent hope-it's-not-too-late point...

Page titles at present are constructed:

New website - feedback and ideas - Page 5 - Test and Ideas - Caterham and Lotus Seven Club

This makes them hard to find on alphabetic-sorted pull-down menus in the browser.

If they looked like:

Caterham and Lotus Seven Club - New website - feedback and ideas - Page 5 - Test and Ideas 

it would be much easier because they would always be in the same place.

Thanks for all of the work.


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15 minutes ago, Jonathan Kay said:

A minor non-urgent hope-it's-not-too-late point...

Page titles at present are constructed:

New website - feedback and ideas - Page 5 - Test and Ideas - Caterham and Lotus Seven Club

This makes them hard to find on alphabetic-sorted pull-down menus in the browser.

If they looked like:

Caterham and Lotus Seven Club - New website - feedback and ideas - Page 5 - Test and Ideas 

it would be much easier because they would always be in the same place.

Always the same... as soon as I've committed to print.... 

Is the same <title> tag used in the displayed legend on tabs in the browser? Because if so then changing as I've suggested would make them all look the same!

What's the best solution with the two conflicting use cases?


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Elon Musk says any internet site with free (unpaid) access is going to be over-run by bots; AI driven bots can respond to captcha tests better and faster than humans. As yet he does not know a solution, aside from a small payment to make the bots too expensive to operate. "Small payment" is in reference where there is no subscription (paywall).

There are always many more "guests" than logged in members.

My opinion: I know we assume all the guests are probably unlogged in members. I question the wisdom of that assumption and indeed if not bots then humans who may not have our best interests at heart. 

Merely a "heads up".




p.s. you know my views about being able to edit my techtalk opening posts and your response is based on what you see as risk and "what everyone else does" (in free sites), I beg to observe the Bots risk far outweighs that risk, given the constant supply of personal life story content we all put in here as if no one is watching.

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Idea I haven't really developed yet, but find it interesting to see the comparison between uploading JPEGS to the club site versus mwebp files: this image itself is 155K instead of 518k. To develop the idea I will see if I can have a look at the prospect of changing all site jpegs to mwebp and converting all uploaded images also to mewbp on the fly as being uploaded; because I think aside from those of us in to geekery it will be "not interesting" for users unless of course like me they are running out of space allowance.

Incidentally IF we have terminal access to  the site, assuming it is unix like, I have a STEP 1 routine that converts ALL jpegs (and of course JPGs) from top directory and recurses to all sub and sub sub folders. That would be the easy part; whether all the links can be replaced with a simple search and replace would be the test of concept or not. Of course if the system doiesn't "care" what the image extensions are as Long as they are compliance then only step one would be required and dead easy to do. 

That routine is no secret so here it is by way of example:

find "/Volumes/Data/Dropbox/! Cars/BDR Collection" -type f \( -name "*.jpeg" -o -name "*.jpg" \) -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} sh -c '/Applications/libwebp-1.3.2-mac-arm64/bin/cwebp "$1" -o "${1%.*}.webp"' _ {}

In the unlikely event sonmeone tries to copy and edit that beware my mac has a habit of making " quotes into curly ones and the routine fails; so that's why.

The trickery in the above is the use of cwebp a command line app. https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/docs/cwebp


There is a ton of stuff on invision's site and mwebp has been demanded for ages and only relatively recently implemented. example link https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/458801-we-need-webp-now/

AND IN CASE needs watching I see this remark ".it even says so on the page that webp is already being challenged by an even better standard in AVIF that is developed by AOM"

edit: the advantage of webp image format is 92% size reduction in exchange for very little loss of resolution (I suppose one might call it a very clever jpeg).

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I'm not sure how sophisticated the back end of the new platform is, however it would be interesting to know if the change to the new platform has produced a spike in activity (Which I suspect it has), but also if that activity is by users that may not have been as engaged on the old site ?

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48 minutes ago, anthonym said:

Are we disabled from editing our own blogs?


Hi Anthony,

  It certainly wasn't the intention that you can't edit your own blog entries. The permissions around this are a little confusing so we'll have to take a look at what's going on here. I'll add it to the list for the weekly meeting to see if anyone else on the team has something to add.


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1 hour ago, Dan R said:

I'm not sure how sophisticated the back end of the new platform is, however it would be interesting to know if the change to the new platform has produced a spike in activity (Which I suspect it has), but also if that activity is by users that may not have been as engaged on the old site ?

Hi Dan,

  The backend is, I would say, "reasonably" sophisticated. There are charts of some things in the backend but they're not always what I would say are intuitive. The stats feature is also something they've added reasonably recently and I think it's still settling down, and new features are being added reasonably often. (there's a lot of reasonably's in that para! 😉 )

  That being said, perhaps this graph below illustrates what you're getting at, and yes, it does look as though there's increased usage of the site since the upgrade. The backend describes Activity as "The total number of members who submitted new content, followed something, or reacted to something on the community in the specified time period."

HOWEVER, it's not at all clear that what was being measured as activity from the old site (something that would have to be coded for during the migration) is the same as what's being shown as activity now. So take the graph with a pinch of salt.



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  • Area Representative
On 05/11/2023 at 18:31, anthonym said:


Incidentally IF we have terminal access to  the site, assuming it is unix like, 


Hi Anthony,

  just coming back on this one... We don't have terminal access to the site. 


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4 hours ago, Jonathan Kay said:
On 22/10/2023 at 12:40, Jonathan Kay said:

There's a comment in another thread about photo formats from iPhones. I think that's it probably about HEIF/HEIC:


A current example of an HEIC image not showing inline.

Confirmed with other browsers. (Thanks, John.)

Is it possible to support HEIC images with the new server software?

If not I'll draft something about workarounds.


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  • Area Representative
On 09/11/2023 at 19:59, anthonym said:

can we ask them to run it?

Hi Anthony,

  we’ve not discussed this as a team but my inclination is to say we don’t need it. There’s two things going on to educate that response…

1. We’ve now increased the storage limits for members and that should relieve any need to increase the compression of existing uploads. There’s also the ever present increase in storage offerings on these sorts of platforms. We might hope that by the time we near any platform storage limits (at today’s limit levels), Invision will have already reviewed their storage limits for the tier of package we take from them. We’re a long way from the current limit at the moment.

2. We’ve taken a reasonably strict “black box” approach to the new site. One of the higher priority requirements of a new platform was the desire that we take an off the shelf solution that doesn’t need a lot of customization or in-depth backend knowledge. While we can often rely on significant technical knowledge from our IT team, we also don’t get many IT experts volunteer to help out. Therefore we don’t want to rely on in depth behind the scenes development and want to have a site that a “smart” but not necessarily “IT expert” level support team can manage. I appreciate what you’re proposing is probably a one off suggestion, but we don’t really want to head down a road that might lead to such in depth tweaking of Invision’s offering.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I posted a post in Techtalk on 23 July 2011 with the subject commencing

"Banner Battery model is 053 034 " the full title being 

"Banner Battery model is 053 034 and Tudor Bike alternative is Y60-N24L-A "

but when I search for it (the partial above) nothing is found. Might I be doing something wrong with the search function?

I haven't adjusted any of the array of settings.



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21 minutes ago, anthonym said:

I posted a post in Techtalk on 23 July 2011 with the subject commencing

"Banner Battery model is 053 034 " the full title being 

"Banner Battery model is 053 034 and Tudor Bike alternative is Y60-N24L-A "

but when I search for it (the partial above) nothing is found. Might I be doing something wrong with the search function?

I haven't adjusted any of the array of settings.

I've just run a comparison of the built-in search facility of the new site with an external search engine using site restriction.

With the former I can't find your original post either. With the latter it come up top.


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When searching for "Banner Battery model is 053 034", then clicking on "The phrase "Banner Battery model is 053 034"" located under the search box, since I know I'm searching for a specific phrase, I get the following.  Three results with the most recent on top.  Pretty good.  The key is to use those additional filters based on your search terms.  Are your search terms a specific phrase with the terms in that specific order?  Do the results need to include all the terms in any order?  Or are you just looking for as many of those words as possible?  Invision also provides other search filters when you click on "+ More search options" that further help you clarify what you are looking for.  


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16 minutes ago, cobar said:

When searching for "Banner Battery model is 053 034", then clicking on "The phrase "Banner Battery model is 053 034"" located under the search box, since I know I'm searching for a specific phrase, I get the following.  Three results with the most recent on top. 

I've tried to replicate this. I don't get that third hit.

Did you include the inverted commas in the emboldened string in the actual search term?



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