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Can anyone advise me ?I’ve Lost drive to back wheels without any warning


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#7:   Good question.

You say you can select all the gears. Is that with the engine running? Do you have to dip the clutch to select a gear? Does the clutch pedal operate as normal (bite point, rest position)?  When the drive failed, were there any unusual noises from the gearbox or diff areas?

(Crossed post!)



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If you roll the car backwards or forwards on the ground, does the propshaft turn?

If you jack up both rear wheels I think you can check the diff is working by turning one wheel by hand (to see if the other wheel rotates). With both wheels off the ground and the engine running, can you try putting the car in each of the gears (including reverse) to see if the propshaft turns?

Best bet would be to see if any of your local area members are able to pop by to give you a hand / second opinion...

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#13 Thanks for the feedback. 

I'm assuming the engine was running?  If so, was the propshaft turning (ref #14)?   If it was, the problems lies with the diff (unlikely, I'd think, given the lack of noise).  If it wasn't, the problem is in clutch or gearbox.

At the moment, my money's on the clutch, and specifically the driven (pressure) plate.  It's not unknown for the plate to lose some/all of its friction lining.  That very thing happened to me a few years ago in the middle of France.  


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IMHO it's a not a great test to lift the rear wheels off the ground to check for drive, even with damage to the drive-train there can be enough drag to rotate unloaded wheels yet still not drive the car normally. 

As has already been suggested, the first check absolutely needs to be whether the propshaft is rotating when drive is selected, this will determine whether the problem is with the clutch / gearbox or with the diff. Until this test has been done it's impossible to know where to start. Draw a chalk line on the prop, apply the handbrake, chock the front wheels, select a gear and slowly let the clutch out. It's easy enough to have someone else use a mirror and a torch to see whether the prop is rotating without needing to get under the car - that's why a chalk line helps. Other methods are of course available.

Some years ago I had a Landrover Freelander strip the splines on a gearbox shaft causing the same symptoms, it's not always clutch although that's where my bet would be. Check for prop rotation first though.


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