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1.4SS won't start


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Started the car this morning and it coughed and spluttered a bit but seemed OK. After half a mile or so it missed and kept cutting out - had to restart several times. Then it cut out and wouldn't restart about half a mile from work (had to then push the car to work). The breakdown people have been, but couldn't get it to go - no signal to the coil and the guy didn't think there was fuel either which suggests ECU. The fuses are OK and the car was running OK yesterday (only just got it back from Caterham yesterday) and it seems odd that it would start and run for a bit then completely die.


Caterham are getting the car back on Monday, but anything else obvious (apart from knackered ECU) in the meantime that's been missed?






😳 😳 Beginning to wish he'd bought a Westfield or a Birkin 😳 😳

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When you get it fixed let me know. Mine is being a sod atm. So far I have replaced the MFU (multifunc box) under the ECU - this is a blck plastic box with 4 relays inside controlling sparks, starter, EFI and fuel pump. These regularly give trouble, apparently, esp. in the Cat because they are horizontal so exposed to wet. Also the loom into the ECU is suspect. I suppose you have done the usual wire wiggling and inspection of connectors?


Good luck.

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Yes, I've done quite a bit of wire wiggling, but to no avail! Sounds as though it may be the MFU, though the starter is OK. I don't think it's the immobiliser as the engine turns. I'll let you know what the problem was when it's fixed anyway.





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Yes the engien will turn over, fire for a second but then die if the immobiliser's not deactivated. My start's playing up big time car wouldn't start after some enthusiastic driving on North Weald aerdrome yesterday...just off to trawl Tech Talk for info....Nifters...off to the Goat tomorrow?
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I pulled one of these MFU's apart a while back as I thought I had a problem with it. If you push one of the relays together (sorry, can't remember which one, dur!) it causes the fuel pump to run. Worth a check? Easy to pull the unit apart with a small screwdriver around the top seal. I fitted mine back with black PVC tape around the seal to stop water ingress!!!


Clamshell Club Founder Member.

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had this problem on and off all 3 years I have owned mine - keep thinking it is sorted - combination of problems caused by starter motor wiring being too tight and too hot, bad connections to starter motor and last time around (very similar symptoms to above) it was a problem with the relays in that little black box under the ECU - so that may be the place to look. I have always thought the immobiliser was the problem and finally changed it but problems did not go away. Amazing how many times wiggling the wiring has got me home. Not had a problem since sorted this relay - but then it is sitting in a garage 4000 miles away from me so not getting run for months at a time - not really a good basis for saying it is fixed.

(posted from hotel in SPaulo after watching Mark Webber give a lot of locals a nasty moment) *biggrin*

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Hi Simon


Just in case it is a bad relay in the MFRU which runs the fuel pump, there is a fully marked-up photo of the insides of the MFRU on my website (click below) and also a circuit diagram. Certainly the symptoms you describe would be consistent with an intermittent fuel pump.


It just might be that the fuel pump MFRU relay contacts need cleaning. Probably worth giving it a whirl - you can clean the contacts with very gentle application of a fine sandpaper or a thin woman's nail file stick (it's the stick that's thin - the size of the woman doesn't matter!).


Good luck




1.8K SV 140hp see it here

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Thanks for the advice guys. Don't know about your immobilisers, but my starter doesn't turn when the immobiliser's activated.


I would try fiddling with the MFU but Caterham, to their credit, came to pick the car up on Saturday morning, so I can't try anything. It could be the fuel pump, but it is also the spark as well, as power start spray was tried and there was no response at all. I was wondering if it was some kind of power supply problem to/from the ECU, because when it cut out, the rev counter also stopped working momentarily ( I presume the tacho takes it's signal from the ECU), even though the ignition remained on.


Thanks again,



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Just out of interest, did you find out what the problem was?


I am just looking at buying my first 7 and trying to decide between say a 1.6SS or a good Vx engined car and this does worry me a little. It would be my worst nightmare for my dream car to be so tempremental!



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Yes, it turned out I'd knocked the battery master switch, but it didn't occur to me because the starter/ignition still worked (I thought there'd only be one big lead in and out of the master switch). Whoops - well you learn something new every day.


With regards to getting your first Caterham, I've not experienced VX engined cars so can't comment, but I have had head gasket problems with my K-series (occurred before I got the car), but I don't think this is too common on k-series and it is now running sweet as a nut (apart from the dash lighting/sidelights shorting out somewhere!)



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Simon - did I read correctly and were all yoour probs a result of a dicky connection on the isolator switch? I know these give trouble. I ask because many of the symptoms of mine are similar - intermittent fault, tacho sometimes leaps about while attepting to start dead motor. It could be a strip and clean and poss a new switch would fix my woes. Aletrnatively I may just throw some money at the local Rover dealer. Do let me know.
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