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Loose reluctor ring,safe to drive?


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Please could someone advise me if it's safe to drive the seven with a loose reluctor ring?

On a blat last weekend my speedo started to fluctuate and then finally gave up,I assumed the sensor had been hit by something and had moved but upon inspection it is still in situ and it is the reluctor ring that had moved inboard.

I am able to move it by hand all be it with some resistance and I'm concerned that it may move outboard and foul the bolts on the dedion ears! Any advise on a course of action would be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance



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This happened to me and the only solution I found to work was to move the ring back into postilion and use electrical tape to wrap around the shaft to build up 2-3 millimeter shoulder to prevent it move out of alignment again. The shaft was replaced under warranty in the end, as I believe you can not buy replacement rings.

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It would be prudent to examine why the ring has come loose.  Specifically, has it cracked?  If so, the only real solution will be a replacement shaft, as it seems impossible to obtain just the rings themselves (lots of us have tried!).

However, if the ring is intact, you could try fixing it on the shaft with an epoxy resin (such as Araldite).  For info, I understand that CC don't recommend this -- I don't know why, other than to sell more driveshafts!


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Joking aside I have checked the ring and it is true and undamaged.On advice I have cleaned the surface of the prop-shaft then degreased it with ipa and then used bearing lock to secure it,so hopefully this will do the job.I may well reinforce it with Araldite as John has suggested.The last resort would be some very careful spot welds.

Thanks again,I'll keep you posted and if this does prove to be successful this could help others in a similar position.


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