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new Rad, cool running

david nelson

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I've noticed this too with my Sigma, need to be either stationary or at motorway speeds to see the oil up to 80C whilst the coolant is lower, around 70C.

From looking at the Caterham site, the thermostat is 74C, so if you have good airflow you're not going to see temps sit much above this when moving at pace.  Might have to look at an 80C stat or something.

Where is the thermostat located on the Sigma, is it in the coolant block near the waterpump?

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Ive had this on my 1.8k when I went from an old copper Covrad triple pass to a new Radtec standard road radiator- the new rad was so much better at cooling than the old one, despite it not a being triple pass rad.  in the end, I found some ali sheet and blanked off about a 1/3rd of the rad, secured with ali foil tape.    

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Mine is fitted with an 82 deg stat which seems to suit the higher performance engines well especially when pressing on. When I bought the car it had a 74 deg stat which was plain bonkers and it just didn't get up to temperature. As standard they are 88 degs.


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I will try to answer your questions 

1. Original rad kept water temp in the 80's and oil temp was similar iirc

With a sigma rad temp dropped to water 70ish oil in the mid 60s

New k series rad from coolexperts

There have been no other changes. 

Thermalstat is what ever has been in for 18 years. No idea of the temp. 

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Nigel, I would agree with that on a well designed system but, certainly in my experience, 7s have a system that will overcool and so the 'running temperature' is often close to the stat opening temperature. 

My car has an 82c stat and the car warms up to that then hovers around 81/82. Give it a good blast soon after warming up, or after a longish run at low revs, and it will drop to 75/80 before gradually climbing back up. 

Running fairly hard for a long period it stays around 81/82.

It seems to me that during steady road running, the stat hovers around closed/slightly open and that gives the rad time to bring down the temperature in the rad and hoses giving this short term drop when next revved hard and the stat opens more.  


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