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Curborough- what a great day


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  • Leadership Team

Another really enjoyable Curborough today - thanks to everyone who put on such a well-run event.  

Thanks to everyone in the paddock for the birthday wishes and brilliant card.  Can't think of a much nicer bunch of nutters to spend your 50th with *byebye* 


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A slickly run event as usual.  I would like to echo Michael's comments regarding the organisation and to wish the young man all the best on his special birthday. 

It was my first event for quite a while and despite the early nerves I thoroughly enjoyed myself and was made to feel welcome by competitors old and new.  They obviously looked at my times and realised that I posed no threat.

Thanks all.

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  • Leadership Team

Yes - many thanks for a great day. Also thanks for those that gave up their time to help with the commentary, photos, data input, track supervision and other jobs that sometimes go unseen.


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What a wonderful day, fantastic organisation, friendly competitive spirit and an awesome track.

I don't think I have had that much fun with my clothes on for a long time.

I would also like to thank Ivan and my fellow competitors in class 1 for their help and encouragement.


Look forward to seeing you all again soon.



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Great weekend for us!

Many thanks to all the organising team and Julie and I are glad to be back with you all...

Great fun and we are both getting a little faster! Thanks to team Elwell for the track walk *driving*

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Really enjoyed the day. It was my first seven club event in 16 years and it was great to be back.

Also appreciated people taking time to make Ben welcome in his first club event - I suspect it's pretty daunting at 16 to see the quality of drivers around him, but everyone was really welcoming.

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It was a great day on Sunday, really well run and lots of volunteers chipping in on the timing which i know we all appreciate - but important to acknowledge! Someone even sorted the weather out.  Happy birthday Michael!

The BBQ approaches on Saturday evening were varied and entertaining, and I think Sean and Gill win as the most in control and organised chefs - and my seriously burned sausages were reflective of the following day on track - starting with promise then slowly falling down the order in a puff of (tyre) smoke.  

Just got over my sulk from Sunday :) and just read in low flying that I was apparently lucky in Anglesey to get a Sunday 3rd as I got a re-run and therefore warm tyres on the last run.  Not that anyone cares but whilst a few drivers did get re-runs, I was definitely not one of them, and having been very happy with my final lap (on cold tyres!) I will now be sulking again... I will be fine by Aintree. Probably. 

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Oh dear - Fake News reaches Lowflying. My recollection of who came past the queue to take re-runs was clearly faulty, and now I've diminished Justin's fine achievement on the last run at Anglesey. 

If I write the Aintree report, I'll try to redress the balance - though that might make things worse!

Sorry Justin.



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