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Earlier MEMS Version Support - Diagnostics, Remapping etc.


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I've done a lot of work on MEMS3 recently, and published most of it on here.

EU2 and EU1 cars used earlier versions of the MEMS architecture which did not support reprogramming, so could not be remapped. The memory chips inside them were one-time-programmable only, and could not be erased and reprogrammed.

Whilst working on MEMS3, I have made contact with James Portman, who has a website here https://rovermems.com/.

James has done some fantastic work on supporting these earlier ECUs, including designing some very neat modules which replace the memories with reprogrammable chips, allowing them to be remapped (and in some cases, live mapped too). We discovered that MEMS3 and MEMS2J (EU2 VVC) firmware really were very similar, and in fact large amounts of the code is byte-for-byte identical.

Like me, James is mostly doing this as a side line, for the satisfaction of knowing that these cars can continue to be supported. He's extremely knowledgeable and very helpful.

MEMS3 has just about enough resources and capabilities to make remapping and live mapping a viable proposition without any physical modifications. It's also an ECU with a sealed casing that isn't easy to open without doing damage. With MEMS2J and earlier this just isn't the case, the hardware doesn't allow reprogramming, there is very little RAM available and the ECUs are easy to open up and modify. So James has largely focused on hardware modifications to allow these earlier ECUs to be remapped, where I have tried to build strictly software-only solutions for the later ECUs. We've been of different, but parallel journeys and have been able to help each other along the way. A big thank you goes to James.

I would heartily recommend anyone who was interested in making the most of an EU2 K Series ECU to have a good look at what James has been doing at https://rovermems.com/ and to get in touch.

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