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Anyone want an A0 drawing board - Free


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I need to dispose of an A0 drawing board complete with parallel motion and a tilt/raise and lower stand.

I realise there is not much demand for such items these days with the prevalence of CAD. It takes up quite a bit of space and I would keep it myself if I could

Only snag is that it needs to be collected from Knutsford in Cheshire.  A van or very large car will be needed.

Donation to PCR at your discretion

PM me if interested

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I still have my British Thornton drawing instruments (they were quite something in the day) and matching 'scientific' slide rule as well.  I doubt I could use remember how to use it at all, now!


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I left my old A0 drawing board in the UK when I moved to Canada, last used in 1977 when I got my 'A' Level in Geometrical and Engineering Drawing. That 'A' level was the most useful while at Uni, as it let me skip the drawing courses the other engineers had to take. Then it was all CAD/CAM from 1981 onwards, no more paper, mainframe based CATIA and other modelling software from that point on.

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I spent many years leaning over a drafting machine ( posh drawing board ). Doing the initial drawings on film was fine, but doing revisions by scratching off with a razor blade, then re-drawing on the reverse was a pita. I still have all my old Rotring pens and a full set of railway curves. Remember the stink of the print room.


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