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Guy Lowe

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Since fitting Tillets  I have had real problems adjusting my Luke 6 point harness lap straps. The problem is the that the adjusters fall between the seat and the mounting, so cannot be reached unless the seat is pushed completely back and then they can be pulled back through the seat side slots. Problem is when I then slide the seat forward the adjusters get caught on the side slots and the seat will not go forward (are you following?).

So I have been told I need pull down away from the buckle on the lap straps, simple I thought & after talking to some local lads it appears Triton/Prima do exactly what I need. No they don’t as they have gone out of business! Looked at all the other makes and  whilst I can get pull down lap straps I cannot get them with “top hat” bolt fittings, only the clasps & eyes which will not work with my tonneau cover and the few that do meet my requirements are for saloon cars and far too long.

Has anyone else had this problem and if so what belts did you fit or how did you get round it?

Sorry about rambling on & TIA


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Titon just stopped making them - it wasn't their main business and the regulations were getting too onerous apparently.

I have a set of titon pull down harnesses (6 points) and TBH I struggle adjusting them so generally they get adjusted and left. The buckles are good and dont creep. It was more of a phaff for my growing son (4 cm in 10 weeks just before Xmas!). I just found my strength / muscles were not in the places needed to pull them tight while in and buckled up so tended to over adjust them while undone then breath in to click them in place.

I got them to go with Tillets but didnt like them so put the S types back in.

I had thought about changing them for new ones, so this could be enough to prompt me. They're in very good condition but now out of date for events. All black.




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Guy, yes.  I had exactly that problem. Like your sample of members I bought two sets of Titon/Prima harnesses.

Where my next set will come from, I'm not sure. It may be the case that Caterham Cars gave changed the specification of their belts to fit the, now common, Tillet seat.

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The problem having pull up ones on OE belts with tillets is they get trapped between the seat and chassis and can release upon impact.

TRS are your answer - Speak to Jake dudley @ TRS,

He supplied me with 6 point international harness which have the adjuster built into the tongue (neat!) - so it stay next to the buckle fixed to the crutch strap. 



He also supplied me a 2 pairs of 3" caterham spec shoulder harness to swap for the 2" ones which come with the International belts - these are specced for HANS use.

Great service and belts *thumbs_up_thumb* 

BM and I can send you the details of mine over to you.

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#2 Ian PM sent

#3 Jonathan I'm looking to replace & yes many do make to order but they only make with clasp & eye fittings, something to do with MSA regs.

#4 Stephen as far as I can see the Caterham/Luke harnesses are the same spec as they have always been. 


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You could speak to Luke to see if you can buy slightly longer parts of the harness that hold the adjuster. 
You need to make sure they are not too long so that you can tighten the lap adjuster fully to hold you firmly in the seat. 
Depends how far forward your seat is and how big your middle is !! 

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I would talk to Wiillans (01327 857788) who are very helpful, and will adjust the lengths of the loops to your requirements, so that the adjusting buckle is in the right place.  They also do "Top Hat" fixings.

I had a similar issue when looking for belts in 2020, and they sorted me out.  Their belts are expensive but great quality.

They send out a Spec Sheet for you to complete.  On the "Direction of Lap Strap Adjustment" part it is dimension C you need to look at.  If you PM me, I'll send you a copy of the sheet I completed.

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Guy - I'd also suggest Schroth.  Simply the best belts I've used in a Caterham.  I have Tillets and use Schroth 5/6 points with pull-up adjusters. 

I appreciate that they are quite expensive but they are very good.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry this goes on a bit but it might be of help to others who are thinking  of changing their harnesses, if not you can always move on *blabla*

Well this turned out to be a lot more involved, not to mention expensive than I originally envisaged. Thanks to everyone who offered help, recommendations, advice and even sent me spec sheets of their set ups, that was very helpful. I was adamant pull down was the answer to my problems, how wrong was I? A helpful local owner suggested I tried his S3 with that set up, the result was bruised ribs for my passenger and the frustration of having to keep getting out of the car to re attach the half door. What was needed was a longer strap between the mounting & the adjuster on the lap strap to clear the slot in the Tilletts.

So to cut a long story short I am keeping with pull up, I looked at all the leading brands and it  was between the Schroth & the TRS in the end & upon close inspection, without doubt the best quality (& most expensive), were the Schorth harnesses, softer webbing, neat small buckles which are removable (see image below) in seconds for fitting & cleaning the belts, a really clever idea IMO & smoother adjusters, they really are a great bit of kit and I notice that Caterham recommend them for race cars.

Demon Tweeks stock the Schroth Caterham II ASM Harness and Dave Kimberly was very helpful and patient when I bombarded with all my stupid questions. Bit of a tip if you’re a cheapskate like me, I wanted 6 point which was an additional £180 for the pair so I took a punt and left the crutch straps off the order and . . . . . . . . . lo and behold, my old Luke crutch straps fit perfectly in the lower buckle slot.

With regard to the Luke harnesses which I have put up with 2 sets for 20+ years, they really are naff compared with what’s readily available today, the buckles are large and cumbersome, as are the adjusters that really are not fit for purpose &  make adjusting in either direction a right pain. It’s as if Luke have a product that sells and cannot be bothered or see fit to improve upon it.

Well that's it, thanks again BlatChat and here is the removable buckle - Guy *thumb_up*


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