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420R wiring diagram


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Hi David,

I have often wanted an up-to-date wiring diagram for my recently completed 360R build but have had to rely on the only diagram I can find which is at the back of the Caterham 2015 build manual. Pages 216 and 217 contain wiring diagrams for the 420 engine harness and chassis harness (standard dash) respectively. I have used the chassis harness diagram as reference for my build and it seems to be largely still relevant. A confirmed up-to-date one though would be even better.


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"... as a novice its not easy to decipher, just lots of random letters and numbers with no key!"

I don't think that anyone finds them as easy to use as full-circuit diagrams.

Caterham generally stick to British "standard wiring colours". So having a copy of that open alongside can help when you're working between the diagram and the car.

And you can spot the same numerical identifier on the diagram at both ends. But sometimes that identifier changes on either side of a connector so you have to find the relevant connector layout to get the new identifier for the continuation.

Then there's BlatChat!    : - )


PS: The latest diagram that I know is the same that John mentions above. But I have a vast collection of others and Assembly Guides going back to 1988, available to all Members.


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I have seen two of the three diagrams for the new looms fitted to the 420.  But they aren't published anymore :-(.  The 420 now has three looms, chassis, engine and dash.  The chassis is common, the engine depends on engine fitted, and the dash depends if you have the 620 dash or not. The bit I find bit really interesting is the addition of a dash control module with the standard dash.

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