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Unusual sightings

Golf Juliet Tango

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Walking through Sherborne today, I spotted a red Volvo in the Waitrose carpark bearing the plate A4.  I intended to take a photo on my return but the bird had flown, so you'll have to take my word for it!

I imagine A4 was one of the very earliest registration numbers, and worth a stack more than the wearer.


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Hi had one of those too SM25T - memories come flooding back

Seem to remember it being a Cambridge rather than a Westminster though - is that anal ort what ?!?!

Also had later 70's model - metallic blue Beetle with a gold steering wheel on the roof 

I wished I'd kept my corgi cars - some of them may be worth a bob or 2 now.

My favorites were a light metallic blue Buick Riviera, plus, obviously my sliver James Bond DB5 complete with ejector seat

Favorite Corgis as a kid - New thread anyone ?

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I had one of them too - a lot of mine were hand me downs from my elder brother who is 65 now and no doubt many of those were hand me downs to him from my big brother who would now be 70 if he was still with us - proper boys toys all made in the UK !!!!

I also remember a white VW pick up truck with a formula ford racing car in BRG on a a red trailer - May even have been a lotus 


P.S. Jonathan have you been having a rummage in your attic

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That's the one Jonathan, although my trailer was ruby red

I had both the red and the green racing cars though - Ferrari and Lotus ?  - not sure which came with the pick up and trailer, but I always went for the BRG one.

Certainly a trip down memory lane seeing that again

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