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Wallowing back end SLR


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When I put my foot down the back end moves about. Feels like tyres don't have enough air. Tyres are fine, as is the pressure. ARB is still attached. What about 'A' frame bushes ? What are the symtoms if these start to wear ? Any ideas ?



Andy Mac C7 GON

😬 Team Langoustine. Hard Core Prawn here 😬

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Hi Andy, not sure it is the same with De-Dion, but when my Live axle bushes start to wear out the back does get wollow'y. It makes the rear feel unpredictable and it doesn't feel like it is going to stick like it should, you get a sort of 'throw it in and wait for it to settle and then see how much grip you have'.

I know the De-Dion ones are meant ot last a lot longer these day, miles longer than LA ones, but worth changing them.


Obviously, also check the DD tube for any cracks and also the radius arms and A-frame itself.


Phil Waters

You mean you can drive these?

I thought it was just there to polish 😬

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Cheers Phil

Are the bushes a big job ? Is the A frame under any stress ?


Apart from the predictably untredictable handling, is it a danger to drive until I get a chance to change them ?


Andy Mac C7 GON

😬 Team Langoustine. Hard Core Prawn here 😬


Edited by - allegro on 28 Mar 2003 09:02:12

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The Aframe bush on the Dedion is a press job. Mine is still going strong after 6 yrs.

Give it a strong waggle. If no movement to speak of then its prob fine and move on.

Check your trailing arm bushes and bolts both ends. Not sure how they locate into the car on you SLR. Mine are blindnuts welded in the chassis and have been reported as coming undone.. Yikes!

Check wheel bearings, dedion ears, damper bushes etc all with waggle test. With it on axle stands you should be able to get hold of the tube and give it a good waggle to, to see if anything is a miss.


Not heard of the later dedion tubes cracking unless curb bashing but it could always be an manufacturing fault I guess.


go very easy until sorted. any failure of trailing arms, tube etc would have pretty catastrophic consequenses,



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Edited by - stevefoster on 28 Mar 2003 12:00:22

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does the back end "clonk" over low speed bumps?

what mileage have you done?

my slr track rod ends: 2 completely worn, 1 worn out, 1 marginal @ 8,000 miles

doesn't aid rear end location

my friendly mechanic says annual replacement if doing much track mileage: £177 from caterham *eek*, not sure what would substitute best from DT catalogue


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I could feel the back end 'dropping' into each corner. I had to press the two out in the frame, but was successful in using the cut through the outer sleve and bash it with a cold chisel and 2lb lump hammer.


Used the powerflex items as replacements and all is well.


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Thanks for the advise gents. I will get the axle stands out and give everything a thorough waggle test. I have done 7Kmiles, with only 3 track days, so not too heavy use.

I did go to Llandow at the weekend and am beginning to think it's mostly in my head, but will check anyway.


I may get Caterham to check it over thoroughly anyway, unless there is an alternative near Reading.

Thanks again



Andy Mac C7 GON

😬 Team Langoustine. Hard Core Prawn here 😬

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